Nyuka Profile Page

About Me

I LOVE to read fanfiction's infact I found this place through a different fanfiction site...uh...anyways I have a trillian Ideas for great stories floting in my mind but unfortuantly I could never keep a story going even if I had the time, pationence, of gut to post them.....but...um....a good point as soon as I figure out how to use this sight I'm always willing to add my two sence to peoples stories.....I love to draw but I don't have a scaner so I dumped in that area.....maybe some day I find some time to complet a story but untill then I will fill my mind with other's beautiful stories.

Some day later......still don't have a printer but the college I'm going to does....I try to find time to scan things in so far all Ive got is a drawling in a have....one I did somit here.....It the big dog pix.....I just thought it would be interesting to have what Kagome would look like, like a dog with Sesshomaru of course.......Also I don't know if I should post this story I've been writing on fanfic on here as well...it is a KagomeX Sesshomaru.....but it is kind of a trilage going to have sequils that don't nessaraly have to do with them directly......so Like I said don't know if I will post in on here.....maybe......by the way the picture I working on is one that is based on the trilage I probably will post that.....If I ever get finished with it....*sigh*

User Status

16 years ago
20 days ago
11 years ago


Forum Statistics
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  Moonlight Scion


Nyuka has 0 stories


Total number of images: 6

Blood in the water/ Cut version
  • Blood in the water/ Cut version
  • Category: Fanart
Blood in the water
  • Blood in the water
  • Category: Fanart
Trick or Treat
  • Trick or Treat
  • Category: Fanart
Warrior miko
  • Warrior miko
  • Category: Fanart
  • Sesshomarus-family
  • Category: Fanart
  • The-medium-big-dogs-
  • Category: Fanart

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 8

Kakuchuu - Chapter 6 - Page 15 - 16
Words Unsaid
Kagome-Taur; Colored
Tears Of The Fallen 03-31
Three's a Crowd


Name Entry

Created On: 06/03/2012 13:41:17

Thank you for reviewing Fang's Master and glad you enjoyed the latest drabbles .


Created On: 05/30/2012 14:02:23

Yey! Thanks for reading Kakuchuu and... how knows, maybe something WILL happen


Created On: 05/21/2012 17:15:29

Thank you for reviewing Fang's Master and I'm glad you found Jinenji's storyline to be believable . And yes she is a bit depressing lately, but it will get better, I promise .
Feedback from Nyuka: lol you sure... Sound like Kagome's at the end of her rope with a world of demons on the other end trying to pull her in to the black emptiness of sweet insanity ^-^


Created On: 05/04/2012 19:44:05

Thank you for reviewing Fang's Master and yeah, gotta say I don't envy her much myself right now either.


Created On: 03/16/2012 22:55:29

Well, we are getting to the end of Windows on the West, so most of the rest will be rather fluffy - which means I'm glad you are enjoying said fluff!



Created On: 02/10/2012 15:03:35

Thanks for commenting in Kakuchuu! :3


Created On: 01/10/2012 19:06:35

Thanks for reviewing Fang's Master


Created On: 11/09/2011 15:12:20

Thanks for reviewing Fang's Master and hehe couldn't agree more .


Created On: 10/30/2011 17:57:07

Thanks for reviewing Fang's Master and glad you liked the newest drabbles. And you do seem to have a point there .


Created On: 09/04/2011 01:37:48

Thank you for reviewing Fang's Master and yes, even though it was his father he is still stuck there.

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