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Non je ne regrette rein.

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J'aime! J'aime! J'aime mes amis.

Merci. Au revoir.

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01/20/2010 22:27:14Re:The Best of Unfinished FanfictionRecommendations87007
01/20/2010 03:12:21Re:Fear(s) and Phobia(s)Off-Topic Discussion14472
01/20/2010 03:06:56Re:Fear(s) and Phobia(s)Off-Topic Discussion14472
01/20/2010 02:54:27Re:Fear(s) and Phobia(s)Off-Topic Discussion14472
01/20/2010 01:16:56Re:Fear(s) and Phobia(s)Off-Topic Discussion14472
01/20/2010 00:52:33Re:Fear(s) and Phobia(s)Off-Topic Discussion14472
01/10/2010 17:40:29Re:Japanese Martial ArtsGeneral Discussion3605
01/10/2010 17:37:30Re:I'm a stinkerOff-Topic Discussion3840
01/10/2010 16:04:28Re:Japanese Martial ArtsGeneral Discussion3605
01/10/2010 00:26:46Re:Fixing Facebook SettingsOff-Topic Discussion2919
01/09/2010 12:25:42Re:BEHOLD SUPER JUNIOR!Off-Topic Discussion3738
01/09/2010 02:27:29Re:BEHOLD SUPER JUNIOR!Off-Topic Discussion3738
01/09/2010 01:38:03BEHOLD SUPER JUNIOR!Off-Topic Discussion3738
01/06/2010 00:33:46Re:Tear-Jerker MoviesOff-Topic Discussion7015
11/29/2009 23:10:41Re:Kagome's EyesGeneral Discussion178499
11/29/2009 21:21:28Re:Kagome's EyesGeneral Discussion178499
11/29/2009 20:24:31Re:Kagome's EyesGeneral Discussion178499
11/29/2009 04:47:39Re:KimonoGeneral Discussion3726
11/29/2009 03:05:13Re:KimonoGeneral Discussion3726
11/28/2009 23:54:02Re:Kagome's EyesGeneral Discussion178499

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Name Entry

Created On: 12/02/2011 04:46:20

Here you are! :okes about hesitently:: You remember this wonderful little story called La Vie En Rose? ::hint hint::


Created On: 11/25/2011 13:22:39

Thanks for reviewing Dramatic!

You're right, she IS totally falling for him, even though she won't acknowledge or accept it.. x3
Feedback from Noacat: I really love this story. For a bit, my satellite service had the Korean Broadcast System and some of the dramas they aired had subtitles... I'd watch them obsessively. This story reminds me SO much of those dramas. I really love it.


Created On: 10/31/2011 23:11:24

Thanks for reviewing Fang's Master and yeah he kinda is. That would be a fun idea, but I think mine's gonna be even better .
Feedback from Noacat: LOL No doubt! I can't wait to see what you've got cooked up!


Created On: 05/15/2011 08:15:51

Actually, I know that about Saturday school. In fact, I had originally written it that way, but changed it at the last minute because almost no one knows that, and I didn't want to be answering a huge load of emails about my 'mistake' in saying six days of school. I figured it would be easier to answer the one or two that did know the difference, than the hoards of those who didn't, know what I mean? Maybe it was lazy of, me but...



Created On: 04/24/2010 20:19:08

Thanks for reviewing Fang's Master, but actually I used the right word. Their actions were putting her to sleep because they are so over done and she's used to them, I probably just didn't do a good job of explaining it right. Hard to do and keep it around 100 words hehe.


Created On: 12/03/2009 19:32:08

Dear Noa, your cat sounds absolutely adorable! LOL. I am more of a dog person, but my neighbor has this big, fat Garfield-lookalike cat which is rather skillful at giving dirty looks. So I can pretty much imagine. LOL. I saw your review on, and really appreciate it. It was quite a sad chapter, wasn't it? I am contemplating the endings right now...I am quite sure of how I want to end it for Sesshoumaru and Kagome, but Inuyasha and Kikyou...well, let's just say I am torn between being an angel and the devil.


Created On: 11/30/2009 04:39:31

Hi dear! Thank you for the review of chapter 11! It was dramatic, wasn't it? Kinda like BAM right in the face. I surprised myself with how it turned out. Then after I uploaded it, I tried to put myself in Kagome's shoes. Man, I'd hate to be Kagome in that scenario. Chapter 12's up (I am on a writing rampage because of the lovely reviews from you guys) and I hope you'll enjoy reading it. You will most probably know what's going to happen between Sesshoumaru and Kaguya, since I gave you the little spoiler.


Created On: 11/24/2009 22:55:31

Thank you so much for pointing out the flaws in my fanfic!!! it means so much to me! I didn't know that ill fix them and i hope you continue to read and comment on my work! thank you agian!


Created On: 11/24/2009 13:56:11
Edited By Kanna37 On: 11/24/2009 13:56:34

Thanks for the reminder on the antagonists/protagonists thing - when I looked at it, I smacked myself, because I know the difference. But I guess that's what you get for writing at 3 am after not sleeping for a couple days -
brain damage. Anyway, thanks for pointing that out, while NOT making me feel TOO stupid - gods know I don't need any help with that! LOL!



Created On: 11/08/2009 22:37:16
Edited By MissTeak On: 11/08/2009 22:38:49

Oh dear, I'm spamming your wall with posts! Thank you for your advice on writing from Kagome's perspective. I totally agree with you - while Kagome's perspective would open us up to broader understandings of the situation, it would definitely disrupt the flow of the story as well. I believe I'll stick to writing from Sesshoumaru's perspective, but at the same time, write about the other characters from a narrator's POV. I'm still thinking of what evil things I should do to Inuyasha!

Kagome will be going through an emotional turmoil in the next chapter when she sees Sesshoumaru with Kaguya. Here's a little spoiler for you, but do you remember having read about a movie premiere in chapter 7? The one which Sesshoumaru is accompanying Kaguya to? A star-studded night means the presence of the paparazzi. Kagome watches TV. *evil laughter*
...OK. *calms self* I have worse things in store for all the characters involved...honestly, I've never written a Sess/Kag with an unhappy ending, but I'm so tempted to make this a sad one...

I'm so sorry to have made you cried! And your interaction with your husband just sounds so sweet and cute! LOL. It must be so nice to be in love

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