Created On: 08/04/2010 08:27:15
No problem at all hun! I'm just glad it's working out for you!
You're so talented, I have no doubt that anything you will do will be mind blowing!! =3
And oh my, really? *blushes* Feedback from Music2miEars: Lol, of course! There are so many scenes you have that I want to illustrate, I might have a problem with doing just one.
Aoi Mitsuki
Created On: 08/02/2010 12:03:52
you're welcome XD
It's not everyday I encounter people with amazing skills~
I'm seriously impressed! I mean, I can't draw properly on MS paint without cursing and being potty mouthed~ lol
 Feedback from Music2miEars: Haha, that's how it was in the beginning for me. . . actually it still is hahaha 
Created On: 08/02/2010 01:22:37
SQUEEE!!! Then by all means, do so  if you don't mind, one of these days I would like to color one of your beautiful works  Feedback from Music2miEars: I would love that! If you're up for it, go ahead 
Created On: 07/25/2010 23:23:47 Edited By lunaticneko On: 07/25/2010 23:24:59
hahah! That's awesome. I will have to try that when drawing them next time. XD
and since no one else has said it yet. Welcome to Dokuga~!!! XD Feedback from Music2miEars: Thank you! I appreciate it :3