moonlight's.kiss Profile Page

About Me

Hey! So, yeah, I decided to randomly get an account on here because I have this need to favoritize my favorite fanfics and (now) fanarts (: so yea. I was thinking about actually putting a picture of myself up there... don't ask why I hesitate I don't even know why. So yea I have an account on same name! I haven't posted anything on here because I've yet to make a Sessh/kag fanfic yet but when I do, this will be the first sight to get it! Until next time, much love! And I think I actually will upload that picture ;)


Or I would have uploaded a real one if my retarded computer would work. Sigh... have good day, i guess

Okay. This goes for ALL my PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE fanfics I have written and have been posted on this sight. I do not never will and never have owned Inuyasha or any of the characters involved with the anime series, that includes books and television. I don't own any kind of designer clothing I've used or any name brand ANYTHING. Point blank. Period. Done. Finished. If I forget to put a disclaimer on a chapter or one-shot, get over it because its rite here, baby!

User Status

15 years ago
8 years ago
14 years ago


um...could somebody explain to me what this is? either this site has crap insturctions, or i'm just being slow...i think it was the last one....hahaha! look what i did!


okay, i found out what it was after checking out my profile...but that font thingy is so awsome... so yea. again if you didn't read my about me, i will figure this out, and when i do this profile will be all set. well looky there that wasn't even in my about me. so if you skipped over it it's rite up there. yup, those letters, they form a note... a mysteriouse one that you have to read or my forociouse parakeets are gonna come after you. you'v been warned...hahahaha! i did it again! cool font cool font, it rules the world...



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moonlight's.kiss has 1 stories

It was like it was eating me up inside, this question, and i needed to know! It wasn't as if he'd ever told me or anything, i mean its not like it's in the book of forbidden questions...
Rating: K+  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 05 Apr 2010  -  Updated: 05 Apr 2010
Genre: Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 3  -  Words: 643  -  Reads: 4,683

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 206

Nawww Chibi :3
Kagome Sketch
Time for Bed?
Dazzled - Sketch
Flowers flowers everywhere
  • Flowers flowers everywhere
  • Author: Jupe
  • Category: Fanart
I made you a pie...
  • I made you a pie...
  • Author: Jupe
  • Category: Fanart
Flame Prompt
The Women of Inuyasha
Pocky Anyone?
Taiyaki for a Taiyoukai?
Discovery of the Catalog Fanart
Kanna\'s New Mirror
Be mine? ;D
Impromptu Drawble Night - Prompt: Cold
  • Impromptu Drawble Night - Prompt: Cold
  • Author: Kitten
  • Category: Fanart
The Master of Bakusaiga
<< Start < Prev [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 11 Next > End >>


Name Entry

Created On: 02/12/2010 12:16:35

beautiful! i'm in love with her 'b-tch please' facial expression

Hello and welcome to Dokuga! Thank you for the lovely review on 'Winter Fashion'. I didn't draw the lovely picture, sugar0o did. I just put in the colours. Heh.

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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