MoxyMikki Profile Page

About Me

About Me:

Name: Mikki

Nicknames: Moxy, Mimi

Age: 26

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Strawberry Blonde

Zodiac: Leo

I grew up in one of the many historic districts of Virginia and am currently living in Texas with my beautiful 2 year old daughter, newborn son, and husband.


my dokugasona and me with my girl, Freya! Arts (c) Freya Ishtar!

Works In Progress:

The Bridal Creed: As demons slowly become a deminishing race, the Daiyoukai of the Western Lands seeks to find balance in his regency between demon and man. All of Sesshomaru's efforts could be for naught, if he is unable to find a human bride worthy of helping him maintain the balance. Unfortunately, new foes and even Sesshomaru himself, could stand in the way. Rated: T

Coming Soon:

Until its Gone: Theirs was a love born from sin, so she escaped before it could destroy them both. He was focused on his career, and was bound for success no matter the cost. Three years later they meet again, and the woman he let slip through his fingers has come into her own. Painfully he'll learn the lesson that you don't know what you've got 'till its gone. Rating to be: MA


Sesshomaru Sumbits Type: fanfic/fanpic Deadline: open Reward: karma & banner for participants

Dokuga Cookie Exchange 2010 Type: Participant run exchange of holiday recipes Deadline: Post New Year


User Status

15 years ago
9 years ago
11 years ago


Dokuga Awards:

The Bridal Creed: As demons slowly become a deminishing race, the Daiyoukai of the Western Lands, seeks to find balance in his lands between demon and man. All of Sesshomaru's efforts could be for naught, if he is unable to find a human bride worthy of helping him maintain the balance. Unfortunately, new foes and Sesshomaru himself, could stand in the way.



Dokuga Reviewers Guild:












Forum Statistics
Forum RankingModerator
Total Posts621

Forum Posts
04/26/2012 20:12:34Re:Dokuga Moderator Month Challenge 2012Challenges22730
04/27/2012 12:08:34Re:Dokuga Moderator Month Challenge 2012Challenges22730
04/06/2012 23:15:30Chat Comments and SuggestionsOff-Topic Discussion22835
08/04/2010 00:27:14Re:What's your sign Dokuga?Off-Topic Discussion23902
10/09/2010 22:01:43Re:What's your sign Dokuga?Off-Topic Discussion23902
01/15/2010 23:28:55Re:What to AvoidAuthor's Tools24393
01/21/2010 01:53:22Re:What to AvoidAuthor's Tools24393
07/28/2010 20:10:07Re:What to AvoidAuthor's Tools24393
07/29/2010 02:59:05Re:What to AvoidAuthor's Tools24393
07/29/2010 03:02:17Re:What to AvoidAuthor's Tools24393
03/03/2012 14:59:50Re:Why do we not review?Fanfiction27199
03/07/2012 21:36:02Re:Why do we not review?Fanfiction27199
06/23/2011 13:11:27Forum Rules UpdatedGeneral Discussion34194
02/03/2012 23:54:29Re:Forum Rules UpdatedGeneral Discussion34194
08/03/2010 00:29:24Re:How Tall are you Dokuga?Off-Topic Discussion37521
10/12/2010 12:16:16Re:How Tall are you Dokuga?Off-Topic Discussion37521
04/28/2010 23:25:41Re:Looking for Traveling With Sesshoumaru by AdviSearching for a Fic...38568
11/19/2012 13:39:10Re:Looking for Traveling With Sesshoumaru by AdviSearching for a Fic...38568
11/20/2012 11:47:10Re:Looking for Traveling With Sesshoumaru by AdviSearching for a Fic...38568
03/31/2012 17:53:44Re:Dokuga Author's Tutorial: RatingsAuthor's Tools40569


  Alysia DeMaggio
  Kagome Yuki Niwa
  Duchess Of Darkness
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MoxyMikki has 2 stories

*WINNER of 2010 4thQ - 2nd place best Kagome portrayal, 2nd place best Action/Adventure. 2010 3rdQ - 1st place best Sesshomaru portrayal, 2nd place best Romance* As demons slowly become a deminishing race, the Daiyoukai of the Western Lands, seeks to find balance in his lands between demon and man. All of Sesshomaru's efforts could be for naught, if he is unable to find a human bride worthy of helping him maintain the balance. Unfortunately, new foes and Sesshomaru himself, could stand in the way.
Rating: T  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 09 Apr 2010  -  Updated: 21 Jul 2011
Genre: Action, Angst, Drama, Friendship, Romance  -  Chapters: 18  -  Reviews: 424  -  Words: 74,534  -  Reads: 139,422
Response to Priestess Skyes challenge: Think Pink! Men can be such babies.
Rating: K  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 06 Oct 2010  -  Updated: 06 Oct 2010
Genre: Humor  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 5  -  Words: 805  -  Reads: 5,755


Total number of images: 1

Sesshomaru Submits Challenge
  • Sesshomaru Submits Challenge
  • Category: Banners

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 218

My Heir
SK-SH crossover
His Folly
Kagome's bow
Happy Face- color
CHARMING, you say?
Remembering Chapter 3
Princess Kagome - Lineart
I'm Not Kikyo, Finished
and with a kiss
Do Not Die
The Bridial Creed, Scorpion pose ~ Chp 10
A Kitten Named Kagome
Night of Passion 2/3
  • Night of Passion 2/3
  • Author: aiko
  • Category: Fanart
The Bridal Creed, Kagome ~ chp 10
Kami of Chaos: Kouga~Color
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Name Entry
Freya Ishtar

Created On: 12/09/2011 22:57:55
Edited By Freya Ishtar On: 12/09/2011 22:59:13

I think it'll come out later- you know I don't think when I'm writing, lol. Like he feels as though he's the more responsible party 'cause he's the 'big brother', so how he was feeling was his fault, and realizing that she was having the same sort of feelings was a relief, and therefore a comfort, as he then had someone to share the blame with.

You know anything I don't address in the 'during' I catch up to and explain in hindsight . . . . So keep asking your questions, otherwise I will overlook things that should be addressed at some point


Created On: 08/27/2011 14:23:29
Edited By Madison On: 08/27/2011 14:24:46

Ahah, I'm not answering any questions. But I promise you'll find out more as it goes along.
They are the odd couple ahah. Making them progress together is quite hard since they can't talk but you got that right. Gestures and touch is the way they'll learn. And I think it adds a beauty and sensuality to the whole thing.

I didn't know you read Firangi ahah

You're too sweet you know that?

And I'm sorry I made you feel bad with Blood Stained. But yes it's all being to tie together. I can't promise it'll be super happiness to come, but, Sess & Kag aren't doing bad at least? ahah. Give & take.

Freya Ishtar

Created On: 08/21/2011 07:40:42

OMG! Go look, go look! The banners aren't out yet, but the Winners list is up- TBC got 1st Place Best Action/Adventure, and 2nd Place for both Best Kagome Portrayal and Best Romance!!!! *HUGE HUGS*
Feedback from MoxyMikki: You're the best friend ever! Hugs and Kisses! Thanks so much for letting me know, and for being so happy for me! Love you tons hun.


Created On: 08/06/2011 22:08:56

Thank you so much for your review of The Curse of the Demon Lord. I'm glad that I didn't lose you in the flashback. I think it's really important to keep the continuity and if you're going to use a flashback, don't jump to an entirely different point in the story. To me it's just hard to read and you lose something in translation. If that makes any sense?
Thank you again!

Freya Ishtar

Created On: 08/06/2011 13:20:39

I think that's the main reason I have these particular chapters slanted to Sango's point of view, 'cause I know the good majority of my readers are more experienced in matters of the heart than Kags, so they can't necessarily see or even try to understand the mistakes that she's making. Having things expressed through Sango's eyes- and Sango's personal understanding of Kagome- I think makes things a little easier to grasp.

And yeah, I've noticed that about extremely 'well-educated, book-smart' people, too- I've mentioned this many times since I was a teenager- that it's like the book smarts literally pushes common sense out of their head. It can be frustrating to deal with people like that, 'cause they are so intelligent that they 'think' they know how to deal with things, and it's not until afterwards that they go 'oh . . . damn, now I gotta swallow my pride and ask for help and/or apologize '.

Miss you, Miks! *hugs*

Duchess Of Darkness

Created On: 06/12/2011 01:32:25

I felt horrible getting all these reviews and not letting everyone know just how much I appreciated them. Your reviews I appreciate the most, not only do you tell how much you like it, you let me know what you like. They help me grow in my story telling skills. *Glomps* people like you give me reason to ruin my newly polished nails typing away at the compy to make and post another chapter. *sniffs* dont ever change



Created On: 06/09/2011 09:12:42

Awww thank you Moxy!! You're such a sweetheart totally made my day~ *floats away on a glittery cloud*


Created On: 05/20/2011 03:42:20

Thanks for the sweet review hun!
And thank you! I return the congratulations! Congrats for your nom!
Ahah yeah you've been reading it for a long time ahah. I've been writing it for a long time T.T Here we are 470 000 words later. I don't think I can imagine ending it, not after all this time ahah. I KNOW, I'll have to lol! T.T

Freya Ishtar

Created On: 05/01/2011 04:37:49

TBC picked up a Best Drama nom! Go look, go look!

Freya Ishtar

Created On: 04/15/2011 16:26:30

I'm back! . . . . hopefully XD, just sat down with a meager two paragraphs written out this morning, and posted a chapter with 9-10 pages so we'll see if this is a nod toward finally getting back to my old update schedule!

Miss you, Miks! *hugs*

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