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07/14/2010 23:39:33Re:Unforgettable Lines In FanfictionGeneral Discussion204248
03/06/2010 04:26:50Re:Wracking this Old Brain of Mine...Searching for a Fic...2491
03/06/2010 04:19:31Wracking this Old Brain of Mine...Searching for a Fic...2491


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Created On: 08/28/2010 10:02:56

Thanks for the kind words.
And I didn't mean no review is an insult, I mean, those who said "I will not review because you took too long, is "mean". I don't mind silent reader, or people who don't always review. I'm just glad I get to write this story, and share it.


Created On: 07/19/2010 00:07:08

Awww you made my day with that lovely review of Happily Ever After (HEA)! I am very thankful for your's very upsetting that I am unable to write new chapters for Wisteria as quickly as I can for HEA, but I do try my best. In fact, Wisteria's next chapter is already written up to the third page of the Word.doc I hope to be done with it soon so I can post it up!


Created On: 06/23/2010 02:03:47

Thank you for the review of "Once Upon an Edo Night: A Night of Undying Passion"! I am really honored you gave that story a shot; honestly, I have a hard time writing smut (because of certain reasons which I shall not delve too deep into) but I am really glad the readers liked it! The final chapter would come soon, in perhaps an hour, so I hope you will give that chapter a chance as well


Created On: 06/19/2010 20:00:05

Thank you for the review on Blood Stained.
And I do believe you are right the pace has been quite slow, and sometimes I want to speed it up, but I'm afraid to ruin things. I'm not really like "review whore", I was just wondering if you know there was problems. Lots of people don't want bad comments, but I personally welcome any type of critique as long as they are polite.

I do hope Kouga will bring some excitement, but I mean thats not why I brought him in. Ive had that chapter and the next three laid out for weeks, like the skeleton of it. Hopefully it wont be disappointing.


Created On: 04/28/2010 15:14:28

Thanks for the review on Blood Stained!
Well I update polarity often, because they are short drabbles. its quicker to write 200 words, than it is to wirte over 6000, lol.

And thank you for agreeing with me. The focus was never on the rape, but mostly on emotions! I wont let those kind of reviews get to me anymore.


Created On: 03/20/2010 12:29:48

Thank you for the review, and you are welcomed, lol

I know lots of people have done sango & kagome related, but I wanted something different. Also that wouldn't have had as much of an impact on Sesshy.

Thank you so much. I know the rape subject is kind of hard sometimes, but I guess I wanted to give them a rocky start. I also love writing about emotions, and that really permitted me to do so.

I hope I'll still be able to make you look forward to updates!


Created On: 03/13/2010 14:39:29

Thanks for the review lol!
I do my best to update as quickly as college lets me lol!


Created On: 03/12/2010 12:36:52

Glad Wisteria made your morning! The new chapter shows a weepy Sesshy and GOSH, Sesshy tears should be made illegal because he is too ZOMG-HANDSOME-PERFECT-OUT-OF-THE-WORLD for crying. *inhales* hahaha I literally LOL-ed at the virginity smells like marshmallows part...maybe it's sugar, spice and everything nice.


Created On: 03/11/2010 11:32:15

Thank you for the stunning review of Wisteria's chapter 47! I am so glad you appreciated my efforts in updating And also, Kagome is FINALLY out of danger, which is good since the poor girl has been suffering too much. See you in chapter 48 and thanks once again!!


Created On: 03/08/2010 16:34:08

Thanks for the review on Blood Stained!
Well let's keep our finger crossed for her! Lol! The next chapter is already done, I sent it to my beta a few hours ago =D

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