Lonelylulaby Profile Page

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09/30/2013 19:10:06Re:Can't remember the titleSearching for a Fic...2948
09/30/2013 02:57:46Can't remember the titleSearching for a Fic...2948


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Name Entry
Stella Mira

Created On: 02/04/2014 00:31:17

Thank you for reading and reviewing "Blood Moon"! Glad you're enjoying the little snippets!

This is actually a one-shot, but I split it into 10 parts to fit the prompts, heighten the suspense, and make readers hate me, basically. It is finished, though, so expect an update each day as I go through editing.

Stella Mira

Created On: 07/08/2013 10:02:22

Thank you for your review on "Golden Cage". I'm glad you're enjoying the angst-y scenario. More to come soon ^^

Midnight Song

Created On: 04/24/2013 10:39:05

Thanks for the review on A Matter of Choice! I've decided that I will update it, but it won't be until my semester is over for the summer, so I'll have more free time!
Feedback from Lonelylulaby: that is perfectly understandable, kick butt in school.

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