LC Rose Profile Page
LC Rose

About Me


All my stories are on FF, in one happy place



User Status

16 years ago
9 years ago
12 years ago
LC Rose


Unruly writers

Struggling from under the bonds of fanon

Sharp teeth rend and tear the fabric of fandom

As we claw our way to the top of Bad!fic and proclaim OUR place in the sun!

This is a new age!

A new world!

OUR world!

*Plants bad!fic flag firmly in foot*


*moves flag over*


"His corned mouse ran into her dripping hole... buttering it well."


"Ack ub! Ack ub!" she cried, as he drilled her with his jackhammer. She did want him in her throat, but not from that direction.

--words by possessed

(i love these so much, i cannot get rid of it!)


Forum Statistics
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Total Posts709

Forum Posts
09/20/2010 23:46:32Re:Kirai's Neverending Title ChallengeChallenges132097
08/28/2010 12:46:10Re:Unforgettable Linens In FanfictionGeneral Discussion185645
08/22/2010 19:32:44Re:Congratulations 4th Quarter 2009 winners!Awards49057
08/01/2010 14:29:54Re:Congratulations to the 1st Quarter 2010 nominees!!Awards118249
06/10/2010 23:44:38Re:Chat TroublesBug Reports/Feature Requests12058
02/21/2010 15:42:07Re:Congratulations 4th Quarter 2009 winners!Awards49057
10/02/2009 01:36:41Re:Love, Like, Dislike, Hate, or Never Tried It...Forum Games239452
10/01/2009 21:08:39Re:Love, Like, Dislike, Hate, or Never Tried It...Forum Games239452
09/27/2009 23:28:29Re:**Happy b-day LC!**Off-Topic Discussion12128
09/27/2009 16:17:30Re:**Happy b-day LC!**Off-Topic Discussion12128
09/27/2009 14:07:48Re:Birthdays!Off-Topic Discussion15220
09/23/2009 14:33:59Re:Any Tips on cutting ferrets nails?Off-Topic Discussion3127
09/10/2009 16:36:22Re:Finish My Sentence...Forum Games110663
09/10/2009 14:44:54Re:Finish My Sentence...Forum Games110663
09/09/2009 12:17:27Re:Quiz: How Well Do You Know Sesshomaru?General Discussion24499
09/07/2009 07:03:29Re:The Saddest Sesskag StoriesRecommendations24825
09/07/2009 06:08:58Re:The Best of Unfinished FanfictionRecommendations79675
09/05/2009 04:12:02Re:The Best of Unfinished FanfictionRecommendations79675
09/03/2009 05:08:12Re:Old Completed Fics RecommendationsRecommendations3449
08/31/2009 23:48:34Re:The Best of Unfinished FanfictionRecommendations79675

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  Desiree Nickels
  Aimee Simmons
  Bree Reyes B.
  Dawn of Roses Kiss
  Lady Serianna
  tenchi no mai
  Creature of Shadow
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LC Rose has 0 stories


Name Entry
Mistress Sianna

Lady Sianna
Created On: 03/16/2009 07:31:47

Aw, crumbcakes! I was hoping you had your new computer! I am feeling your pain woman. I don't know what I'd do if my computer was suddenly out of commision! Hope to see you back again soon!

Mistress Sianna

Lady Sianna
Created On: 03/15/2009 23:50:59

Hi LC!!! I just noticed that you were online! Did you get a new computer? I hope all is going well.

Created On: 03/10/2009 23:30:53

I miss you and it is only Tuesday! Hurry Friday... Hurry!

Created On: 03/06/2009 18:09:22

Teensie is POUNCED.
*drools and then licks the LC*
*Huggles you*
Miss you soooooo much! *sniffles* Am I getting too creepy here?
he he he he he *stalking LC*
Voyeurism...and all....heh heh heh....

Created On: 03/06/2009 12:33:56

I feel like I should say thank-you, but I'm not sure what for... LOL! I have a thing for green...

Created On: 03/02/2009 22:09:19
Edited By Possessed On: 03/02/2009 22:09:35

LC! Put the Peggle down! Don't even think about touching the balloons either! *sniff, sniff* Come back to us... please!


Created On: 02/26/2009 16:23:31

Thanks for the review ^^ I've managed to pick up many little brother things from my own little brother, even though I'm usually the one who is covering my eyes and hollering for him to get a room XD


Created On: 02/26/2009 11:37:35

I come to this site a lot to read stories, and I post here too. I don't usually look at the chat stuff too much unless I'm bored, but I happened to see that post and figured I'd reply. I love to get reviews and don't usually get too many so I'll always take a shot at getting a new reader. Thanks for thinking of me when you read the post. It's nice to know that people like my story and would recommend it to others.

Created On: 02/25/2009 17:31:31

aww thank you!!!
how the teensie misses her LC


Created On: 02/24/2009 07:29:42
Edited By LuxKen27 On: 02/24/2009 07:31:42

Thanks for your review on Fleeting! Don't be scared, just trust me that I'll make it all work out, LOL. The concept of un_love_you is an interesting and challenging one, and its prompts are supposed to help the writer focus on what happens beyond "I love you" Those words are too often used as some sort of a magical healing balm for all of life's woes, LOL.

Not that this story has gotten to that point quite yet, but its the principle of the matter, hehe

I'm only about 1/3 of the way through the prompt table, so there is still plenty of story left to tell. Sess was fighting me on this one, but I thought the inner turmoil was worthy of a prompt like "I hate myself", no?

Also - feel free to comment on LJ if you wish I enjoy discussing the story with my f-list there. But feedback anywhere is definitely appreciated, as it sometimes helps direct my focus, and lets me know what the readers see as opposed to what I have in mind. Like I said there, I'm never sure with my foreshadowing, if I'm giving it all away or being too opaque or what...but this story is complicated, even in my own mind, as I've set myself a very tall task to meet by the end!

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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