Kari Konoko Profile Page
Kari Konoko

About Me

i'm a random fanfic addict.

i love to read and the library doesn't let me in so i read online all the time.

i also am an itg freak!! XD love it! but i suck...all my ppls r better than me XP


ummm..i write randomness every now and then and draw but usually just random stuff, and not all that well.

dont expect updates from me i'm bad at it.



User Status

17 years ago
6 years ago
17 years ago
Kari Konoko


Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts9

Forum Posts
09/29/2013 09:34:39Sesshoumaru looking for wives.Searching for a Fic...2160
01/19/2013 18:12:24Re:Yep another oneSearching for a Fic...2060
01/19/2013 17:50:26AUSearching for a Fic...1791
08/04/2012 16:58:23Re:NC17/MA FicSearching for a Fic...4404
02/05/2012 17:49:22looking for a ficSearching for a Fic...2402
05/16/2011 17:57:08suggestionBug Reports/Feature Requests2819
01/07/2011 09:46:36Re:Old StorySearching for a Fic...3311
01/05/2011 08:32:30Old StorySearching for a Fic...3311
05/21/2008 13:32:10Re:We Want Complaints/Suggestions/Bug Reports!Bug Reports/Feature Requests25756


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Kari Konoko has 1 stories

Before I met him I had no idea what it was like and now? I don't know what i'd do with out him.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 21 May 2008  -  Updated: 21 May 2008
Genre: Erotica  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 2  -  Words: 761  -  Reads: 6,374


This user currently doesn't have any posts.

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