Matsukia Profile Page

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          Her breathing hitched. His hands playing tricks with her mind, one moment there the next he's gone.   Gasping and running her legs pump harder,  strength failing.  Everything around her falling to the ground, a mad hatter's laughter clutching the spirits of all.  All truth revealed her world is crumbling apart no longer trying to find a way out she searches for a way in.  Laughter turned to howls of gore, her legs pump harder ever still.  Sheer will keeps her going knowing that the King is still within trying to find a way to get her back. Branches grab a hold of fragile skin ripping and tearing everything they grasp. Blood cascading down in shining rivelets, the sicking sweet smell forces her mnd back to her completely a cliff ahead signals her freedom. The edge drawing closer to her she leaps. 

    Wing tossing her hair about in waves  the ocean below is meant to save her. In the last moments of tasting her freedom it is ripped away. Tendrals of the attempt pushed from her memory as clawed hands wretches her from the demise she had planned.  Fighting with nothing left she returns to the black abis.  The false Gala of her life slapping her.

  A mirror in her cell crumbles the peices becoming shattered just as her heart.  The sting of an old memory passes her by.  the light of the crescent moon illuminating her features. She finds a way back out to the meadow, blue moon flowers in full bloom.   she lets the image of herself dissapate churning until desolved. 

 Her body coming to finally rest upon the petals sitting indian style. Her upturned face looks down at what she truly is. A tear of saddness dried away by the caress of the moon.   She cannot die nor can she truly live.  The love she had passes just as they all do fading with time, the demons from her past remaining.  The tingle on her flesh from once he touched still lingered with her, having sealed her fate to moon for another century by returning life back to a miko.

  She smiles down from where she sits being what truly is and no longer running from herself.  The demon that saved her is with his love, the purest of all life.  The Great Inuyoukia would have been proud of his son. And with that thought she perched on the crescent moon watching the two lovers kiss,  her smile illuminating the moon with more power letting the human see her mate-to-be.  A whisper passes her ear lightly tapping on her lobe. The silent prayer sent from the miko Kagome for having found her true love within  the Taiyoukia Sesshomaru. 

  A smile once agian gracing her lips. She made a vow to then on out to protect the love that she had bestowed upon them, her word as the Mother of The Moon, Matsukia.

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16 years ago
15 years ago
16 years ago


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  Red Bone
  Nostawen Allesiel


Matsukia has 1 stories

The Generals of the Lands must lay down a sacrifice to keep a pact in tact. The gods in Heaven raise one of the pups to create a Demigod. He will be their Killing Perfection. A Sesshomaru Kagome fic. Rated M for future chapters. Flames wanted. Please R&R.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 21 Jan 2009  -  Updated: 21 Jan 2009
Genre: Action, Erotica, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 1  -  Words: 884  -  Reads: 4,893

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 1



Name Entry

Created On: 02/02/2010 04:37:22

Thank you for your review and love for Ultimate Sacrifice Matsukia.
Thank you for motivating me in my work too! Really needed it...
And nice picture you got there!


Created On: 01/18/2010 18:09:26

As always, thank you for the kind words and for the continual reviews. The next chapter should not be that far off, I just have to read over it again.
Feedback from Matsukia: your welcome.

Created On: 01/12/2010 09:23:49
Edited By Zadea On: 01/12/2010 09:27:21

Thanks so much for the review! I'll try to have the next chapter up soon.


You'll find out soon what an Omega is...


Created On: 07/06/2009 04:45:50

Gosh! thank you for your beautiful comment on my fanart!!:'D

Mistress Sianna

Lady Sianna
Created On: 01/27/2009 12:43:47

Thanks for such a hillarious review! And don't feel bad, I'm easily distracted too. It's a wonder I can finish each chapter of my story!

Oooo, is that chocolate...? *runs off to find out*


Created On: 01/26/2009 20:34:45

Heh Thank you for the review! Though i'm a tad bit late on checking my reviews.


Created On: 01/10/2009 16:49:03

Thank you for your kind review on "Kagome: Storytell, Miko, Wife or Mate". I'm glad you liked it!

Hey! I'm first one to sign your comments book! Ha--I'm stealing you as a friend--I hope you don't mind.

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