Kagome Ketchup Profile Page
Kagome Ketchup

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Kagome Ketchup


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Name Entry
Moonlight Silk

Created On: 07/30/2014 09:17:09

I want to thank you so much for all the reviews and critiques as well, I found them to be very useful. Well the idea of an epilogue had crossed my mind but I haven't decided if I will do one or not. Lol
Feedback from Kagome Ketchup: Epilogue! Epilogue! Hehehehe

Moonlight Silk

Created On: 05/06/2014 14:51:45

Thanks for reviewing, and it is nice to know that you think my writing is effective. I will not abruptly find a solution for the situations, I agree it is complex and the events needs time to unfold. I have every intention to keep things believable, though some readers just want the main characters to miraculously get back together.
Feedback from Kagome Ketchup: Yep. It must have plausibility. Giving Kagome some happiness independent of Sesshomaru would help, perhaps a digression with some other lover and success in other endeavours, to balance things.

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