Created On: 05/29/2018 06:33:23
Thank you for leaving one last review on Life After Loss!
I'm a sucker for happy endings as well - and after all they've been through in this story, Sesshoumaru and Kagome definitely deserved their happily ever after. You're very welcome, I'm so glad you enjoyed the story and the epilogue! Feedback from KShadeslady: Yes they did and I’m glad you tied it all up so sweetly. Thanks for being so nice and sending a personal reply. I’m looking forward to your next story.
Created On: 05/10/2018 09:50:39
Thank you for all your reviews various of my stories! I'm sorry for not having the time to individually address them, but it's been nice to see you've had a great time reading through a bunch of my stories!
Thank you especially for your kind words regarding Life After Loss! I'm glad you've enjoyed it! Feedback from KShadeslady: Thank you for answering. I would never expect anyone to answer all my reviews. It’s very kind of you to drop a note to say Thank you. I live reading these stories. The imagination is wonderful. I’ll be looking forward to more of your stories. Thanks!
Created On: 04/04/2018 10:19:13
Thank you for such a wonderful review on Wicked Desires! I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. Your critique is very encouraging and I hope to have the next part out soon. Feedback from KShadeslady: Yeah! That’s wonderful! I’ll look forward to that.
Created On: 03/30/2018 14:40:09
Thank you for your lovely reviews on Life After Loss!
I'm glad you enjoyed the latest chapter! And I hope you're also enjoying your re-read of the story! It takes dedication to review along the way like you do, and I really appreciate that, it's always nice to see the progress of the story from another perspective!
Hope you have a lovely weekend and Happy Easter! Feedback from KShadeslady: Happy Easter to you too. Thanks so much. I always love when the writers are so nice to send a note. I feel that after your hard work of writing, you deserve a review for your story. Looking forward to your next chapter.
Created On: 03/30/2018 14:37:33
Thank you so much for the reviews on Fennel! Even though this fic is an AU, I still want to show ties in to the original series. Little things here and there. Even a little more historical-fantasy than just plain historic.
Thank you again! Feedback from KShadeslady: I like that. Your latest chapter was great!
Created On: 02/10/2018 22:35:52
Thank you for all of your lovely reviews. In order, here I go!
Dark Nights: The British and the French: I didn't realize the Bakamatsu was a proxy war until I started writing this story. And, of course, it's the British vs. the French again!
Tradition: Thanks for the review. Looking back, there's portions of the story I don't like, but I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Cela a Commence: It was a stage piece, built on community theatre. The inspiration for the story came from my own experiences. I volunteered to do "Shakespeare on the Quad" my final year of undergrad. The play chosen was Titus Andronicus, Shakespeare's bloodiest play, and the planning committee pulled the plug on us a month in b/c it was "too bloody for kids." (Our question then was: Why did you approve it in the first place?" We then launched Rogue Titus, using an actor's backyard deck as the stage, finding our own money for props and sets, and having our director end up playing the queen Tamara (b/c our Tamara quit a month and a half into production.) Totally worth it though! Especially cause we had a sold out show of 60 the day we performed!
I'll keep your words in mind regarding the words, and I want to thank you for bringing that to my attention. As for the love story bit, I can't write anything but! Someone challenge me to write something different! Feedback from KShadeslady: Always nice to hear back from you. I have never read Titus Andronicus. So I really don’t know a lot about it. I love the comedies and the histories of the British kings. I have The Hollow Crown series waiting for me. Taming of the Shrew and Much Ado are my favorites. My daughter loves A Midsummer Nights Dream. Of course we read Romeo and Juliet in HS. I’ve been to Stratford upon Avon twice. Lovely town. Visited most of the Shakespeare properties. I got around as much as time allowed when we lived in the UK. I miss it there, mostly for the history. You can’t stretch out a toe without dipping into it. Do well in school. That stubborn bit will come to you and you will be able to get past that writers block. Cheers!
Created On: 02/03/2018 23:52:21
Thank you for your kind words as always! I'm doing well in school, I think? I've landed a good internship and just found out I'm travelling with my moot court team to Vienna. Please don't say I'm giving history lessons, it makes me feel like a teacher! As for Sesshomaru's feelings: I'm a bit rude to him and have some really heart-wrenching stuff planned for him. He's in a war though, what did he expect?
I have not read the Twelve Kindgom books, though I would absolutely love the link! I likely won't have time to read them in between school work, and my fanfiction, but I'd love to take a look at them!
And once again: thank you so much for your kind words and reviews!
KH Feedback from KShadeslady: You are a wonderful teacher for a very troubled time of Japanese history. Making it interesting is a gift. We are all teachers in one way or another. When ever we interact with others, we have a chance to learn and teach.
Vienna! How wonderful! What a terrific opportunity for you. Hope you have time to enjoy the coffee and some lovely pastries.
Aw...don't be too hard on them. LOL! I just have a soft spot for Alpha males.
Here's the link for the site. He also wries other books but I have only read the translations.
Wen. I was going to school, I always had a book to read that had nothing to do with the class. My brain needed that break. At the time, it was Pride and Prejudice. I would read a chapter or two at a time. That worked for me.
Created On: 01/12/2018 11:49:10
I always look forward to reading your reviews when I post Yes, it was common to kill the family of traitors. Technically speaking, yes, this should mean Kagome's in danger as well. I'm going to be liberal with history and say that the Shinsengumi were thinking "We've got bigger fish to fry. Who cares about the family?" And I feel comfortable in saying that as most of the men who survived the war, still got to live in Meiji Japan. Granted, they were usually demoted, their titles stripped, etc. etc.
This doesn't mean Kagome's safe. It just means she's low on the totem pole for people the Shinshengumi will go after.
KH Feedback from KShadeslady: Thank you, that's a really nice compliment. Yeah, heavens knows, they could not kill everyone. Have you ever read The Twelve Kingdoms books? One of the characters in that book had his whole clan wiped out, retainers and all the village people. He was their leader but was the youngest son and never thought he would rule. He becomes the En King, my favorite character in the books. You can read them online for free. If you are interested, I'll send you the link. I actually like this translation better than the ones in the printed books. Not so many mistakes. Cheers! I know you will do right by our favorite couple. LOL
Created On: 01/10/2018 21:57:02
I feel very sad for Kagome and Sesshomaru at times. They're gambling a lot (I mean we all know who wins, but at that point, they were going in on blind faith.) At the same time, they've got to think about their own lives. Things aren't going to stop just because of a war. It's hard for them sometimes.
I've got like 3 stories on Dokuga here that I need to finish, so I'm going to be around. Just school starts soon, and I just learned I'll be doing my 6th research paper of the school year this semester. Updates may be infrequent as a result, and I apologize in advance Feedback from KShadeslady: I understand how you feel about what they are going through. They barely know who they can trust. At least they have each other.
You concentrate on your papers and getting them done. I remember doing all those papers when I got my degree. I was going online at first. The classes were 6 weeks long and I usually had to do 1 to 3 papers per class. After 18 hours of classes I was burnt out so I decided to switch to going to the university on the airbase and just slow down a bit. I did really well but I had to quit going online. I actually preferred the actual classes ovr the virtual. But I'm older and we learn differently from younger students. I get a lot more out of the personal interface than the online chat rooms. So you study and do good! If I can do a 4.0, I know you can! I have faith in you.
Created On: 01/05/2018 20:10:37
Yes, I know a little happiness for them both. I'm actually almost done writing. A few more days and I'll have the drabbles done. Sad isn't it. Kagome does not have to wear western dress. But, she might. There are pictures of the emperor's family where the women wear western dress, but the children wear Japanese clothing. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the emperor is only forcing the men, not the women. Both the West and the East are guilty of "othering" each other. I hope to cover some of that in future drabbles.
When I finally finish law school, and have a few days to myself, I'll look into those books you recommended. Thank you for recommending them.
KH Feedback from KShadeslady: You are always so gracious with your time. Thanks for answering. I will be sad to see this story end but I hope you have another idea bubbling away on the back burner. I know you said you are studying law not history but I find that knowing about the history always makes things more interesting. I’m sure you are finding that knowing the history helps you out in knowing the law too. Cheers! Wishing you the best for the new year!