KShadeslady Profile Page

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Retired AF weather forecaster. Loves reading fantasy, my horses and dogs. One hubby, one daughter (also a fantasy fan). Just recently finding this wonderful fan fiction world. Also recently into Anime/manga. Now I am totally hooked.

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Hanbok Attire
Inktober 2016
So close yet so far
Private Dancer - Sesshomaru
I Will Protect What Is Mine! - Unspoiled
Sibling Rivalry -Inks-
do it for her
With The Rain (Title Page Preview 3)
DDN from the other day: Kitsune
the perfect couple
  • the perfect couple
  • Author: aiko
  • Category: Fanart
The Moon God - Colored
I Trust You - Lines
Cursed Swan
Steph's 'Just Stay...' colored by r0o
 SessKag  The Mistress by YoukaiYume


Name Entry

Created On: 10/16/2015 22:22:03

I'm so glad you enjoyed all of the updates; I had so much fun writing them! I know exactly where I want this story to go, but the journey there might vary along the way I hope you enjoy the yoga class - yoga is one of my favourite pastimes (one that I don't do as often as I'd like). Oh no! I hope that you're unscheduled flying lessons didn't result in any injuries! And you're very welcome for the updates! My weekend has kicked off to a great start already, so I'm excited to see how the rest of it goes! Hope you have a great weekend as well!
Feedback from KShadeslady: I'm really looking forward to getting back into yoga. I was very active in it for years when I was younger and when I was pregnant but got out of the habit. I want to get back into that habit. Well, you ride, you fall. I've had a few really bad falls and as I get older they are harder on the bones. It happens. ;D


Created On: 10/15/2015 20:52:55

Thanks, Leslie! I just updated with a few more chapters - I hope you like them! Lots of excitement is headed Kagome's way, and I hate putting Rin and Shippo in trouble (that won't last too long though!). The best kinds of friendships; I have a few of those, too And you're definitely not old!
Feedback from KShadeslady: Aw Thank You Miranda! That's sweet. Those were all wonderful chapters. I can't wait to see where you take this story. Most days I don't feel it just once in awhile. I'm starting a yoga class next week. I'm hoping it will help with the stiffness. Too many unscheduled flying lessons off the saddle. LOL I've finally started back to the gym, which feels good. Wahoo! Thanks again for the updates and you have a great weekend!


Created On: 10/15/2015 18:49:02

Thanks you again for the review (a very belated reply), Leslie! Haha, I don't think Kagome is up to anything (at the moment anyways), but I'm sure her boredom and impatience will kick into high gear eventually! Your life sounds super interesting; you've done so many amazing things! Hopefully you'll be able to travel again soon (perhaps more on the tourist side than the work side?)! I'm glad that you had a great time with your friend; those are the best kinds - the types of friends that you can pick up exactly where you left off the last time you saw them
Feedback from KShadeslady: Just read the new chapter! Loved it and I can hardly wait to see what bit of excitement is headed her way. You know when you have wonderful friends you just pick up where you left off. I am blessed that I can do that with all my good friends. Even ones I haven't seen for nearly 40 years...oops! did I really say that...yeah I'm old! I just don't feel like it. I do get to travel whenever possible. I am always up for a road trip! ;D


Created On: 09/27/2015 18:42:14

Thanks again for more Inevitability love! Rin has become very philosophical in her pre-teen years; I don't think I was ever that philosophical at her age I hope lunch with your friend went well, and it's amazing that you worked in the Air Force! I'm sure that would have been very interesting to do, and I commend you for your service to your country
Feedback from KShadeslady: Aw Thanks sweetie. I appreciate that. I was raised in the military too, met my husband at one of the bases we were assigned at. I joined later after we were married for a few years. It was a good life if you don't mind the traveling and moving. I never did, my sister didn't do well with the moving but my brother ended up joining the Navy. So two out of three of us made a career out of it. So I got to meet a lot of nice people and see some amazing places. I miss the traveling aspect but we don't want to pack up and move any more. That gets old when you get older. LOL Although if someone offered me a trip back to the UK or someplace else fun, I could be tempted. LOL! I've never lost the traveling bug I guess. I see there is another chapter up. Yah!! It was a nice lunch and we had fun catching up. Can't believe it's been like 13 years! Well no eclipse for us. It's been clear every night for the last few days but tonight it's cloudy. It figures!


Created On: 09/18/2015 20:31:11

Clean humans are the best kinds of humans - hehe! Thanks for another great review, Leslie! No papers due quite yet, but I'm sure they'll be coming sooner than I would like; I'm hoping to build up a big enough buffer so that I can still update at least once a week when that time does come. Hope you have a good weekend!
Feedback from KShadeslady: You are very welcome Miranda. Loved that sweet little chapter. You have a great weekend too! I'm having lunch with a friend I haven't seen in a few years tomorrow. We used to both work in the same area in the Air Force, me in weather, she in runway operations. And we rode horses together too. Can't wait to see her and catch up.


Created On: 09/17/2015 22:46:44

Thank you again, Leslie! I'm glad you enjoyed the latest chapter; there's just something about Rin and Sesshomaru's relationship that is so unique and heartfelt. I hope you enjoy the next chapter (I posted another! Two in one day - woohoo!)!
Feedback from KShadeslady: I just saw that you sent this message and uploaded another chapter! Yahoo! yeah I love Rin and Sessh. I like a well written older Rin/Sessh pairing too. Just got on the computer to answer you from the first message when I saw this one in my email. Yep school will keep you busy. So glad you were able to grace us with two chapters! Sooo...no papers due yet? ;D Thanks Miranda (beautiful name BTW) Cheers! Leslie


Created On: 09/17/2015 20:02:23

Hey Leslie, thank you for more of your Inevitability love, and I hope that you enjoyed rereading it! Things are going well for me; just getting back into the swing of things - namely, school. You're right; Inuyasha has been very evil the past few chapters! Hopefully Sesshomaru and Kagome can straighten things out! Talk soon, Miranda aka FDS.


Created On: 09/12/2015 02:59:37

Hey KShadeslady! Thanks for yet another one of your reviews on Inevitability! I'm very happy to be back and into the swing of writing! I hope your summer was a good one!
Feedback from KShadeslady: Glad that you are back. We had a nice summer but too hot. Hope yours was good as well. Fall is finally kicking in and cooling down, my favorite season. I'm reading Inevitability again from the beginning, just to refresh my memory. Sometimes when I read too many different stories, I lose the story thread of one if it hasn't posted in a while. Hope that all is well your way. Looking forward to those new chapters. Cheers! Leslie aka KShadeslady


Created On: 08/27/2015 21:41:37
Edited By Aijo inu On: 08/27/2015 21:41:53

You must be my beta by trial or something! Thanks for catching the age discrepancy. I originally had her at 15 and married at 25, but 13 seemed to fit the period. I can see Kagame's father giving his daughter as reward for saving her. Granted, I could have fleshed the story out a little more, but it was written about 4 years ago.
Thanks again for reviewing and noting my glaring errors.
Feedback from KShadeslady: Thanks for the message back. I love hearing from the authors. It was a really nice one shot. If you ever wanted to extend it into a longer story, you could have fun with it. Hope to read more from you soon.


Created On: 08/06/2015 11:49:27

Thank you for reading and reviewing Old Enemy New Friend. I'm glad you enjoyed it. And thanks for catching my spelling error. I've since corrected it.
Feedback from KShadeslady: Thanks for contact. I really liked your story. It's nice to read something that moves along a different path. Hope to see more from you.

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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