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05/10/2020 11:49:12Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying insideGeneral Discussion36163
02/25/2020 21:03:57Re:Can you adapt stories without permission?General Discussion5227
11/26/2019 12:55:42Re:Kagome is Sesshomaru’s mate via contestSearching for a Fic...2430
10/23/2019 20:56:30Re:Demonlordlover- S/K Fanfiction Haven yahoo groupOff-Topic Discussion8014
12/24/2016 10:03:19Re:Help with 3 ficsSearching for a Fic...4155
03/09/2016 15:43:14Re:Help find a fic pleaseSearching for a Fic...2871
02/08/2016 21:53:49Re:ATTENTION, FFN POSTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Off-Topic Discussion23489
10/27/2015 22:37:29Re:Favourite booksOff-Topic Discussion3756
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02/04/2015 17:56:57Re:Got another one I can't rememberSearching for a Fic...3327
02/04/2015 17:30:08Re:Got another one I can't rememberSearching for a Fic...3327
01/28/2015 21:33:07Re:looking for a story please helpSearching for a Fic...2039
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09/08/2014 22:14:03Re:Looking for BDSM-esque fictionRecommendations14713
09/07/2014 17:08:39Re:Study MusicOff-Topic Discussion3470
08/26/2014 21:18:17Re:Happy Birthday, Wiccan!Off-Topic Discussion5727
08/19/2014 06:41:00Re:Kagome kills pig demons?Searching for a Fic...2111
07/01/2014 22:29:41Re:been looking for this ficSearching for a Fic...4039

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Created On: 03/13/2020 16:45:06

You're very welcome, dear! And thank YOU for reviewing All According to Plan!

Indeed, Sesshoumaru should have known by now that his mother always gets her way.


Created On: 05/01/2017 14:40:41

Thanks for reviewing Miscellany, glad you enjoyed the latest one shot! ^_^

I have to admit I did not personally picture Sesshoumaru's characterisation as him being actively in pursuit of Kagome himself, but hey, whatever works!


Created On: 10/25/2014 23:52:29

Well, I wouldn't say Trading Yesterday is about a fallen apart relationship, because they never really had one to begin with. Everyone will find out the reasons why towards the end of the fic, but for now it's a mystery!



Created On: 06/07/2014 23:35:21

Thank you for reviewing "The Grass..." I'm having so much fun with this because it's actually a challenge for me to write it. I hope you continue to enjoy it!

Luna C.

Created On: 09/30/2013 23:03:02

Thank you for reading and reviewing "A Japanese Gigolo"! The reason it has sporadic updates is because of my college schedule and having a baby. I'll try to update when I can.

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