FaeHime Profile Page

About Me

A dreamer, a fighter, an artist and writer.

I've enjoyed Dokuga for quite some time now as a reader, but after much encouragement have decided to post my work here as well, for easier access for my followers on deviantART, and so that more fans of Sesshomaru and Kagome have a chance to enjoy the machinations of my sordid imagination and muse extraordinaire, Trystan. So named because he is nosy, obstinate, promiscuous, and trouble with a capital "T"...


....and I adore him and his frequent need to be shirtless!

As soon as I have set update schedules, I'll post them here for each story. All stories and art can also be found @ faehime.deviantart.com


Current Update Schedule:

Updates! I got the next chappie of MoaB up XD Go on... squee XD I haven't written on it in some time, but I'm happy with how this chapter came out, and I hope you all enjoy as well! Some reminders (and revisions) to my update schedule:

Memories of a Boy
Is going to be update once a week until it is finished. It will be the primary focus, as it's plot is set in stone completely finished, and I know you all have missed it a lot :) I will try and update it every Monday, and if I have the free time, you'll get a bonus update on Thursdays!!! (CAN NOW BE FOUND ONLY ON deviantArt and FF.net under the same name)

Is going to have chapters 1-17 revised/extended, with each chapter being updated every two weeks until I've caught back up to chapter 18, and then and only then will I begin posting new chapters along the same schedule (once every 2 weeks at a time). Will be Updated Fridays!

Before There were Fairy Tales
Is going to be updated once every two weeks for now on alternating weeks from Inescapable. It is undergoing minor revisions to plot, and I'm going to take the week immediately following Christmas to finish and finalize the plot so updates can be smooth and there will be no inconsistencies in the story-line!!! Will be Updated Fridays!

Once MoaB is finished, I'll move Inescapable to updates once a week instead of every two weeks. I'm going to have three Master's classes next semester, on top of a part-time job and still wanting to hang out with the Other Two of Two because I love her and would go through major withdrawal if I couldn't hang out with her on a regular basis!!! Thus why I can't promise faster update schedules, but I'm hoping everyone will be content with these! Art for all three stories will be posted as it is done, with no set schedule for it

Inescapable will have Two more art pieces posted to go with it, a Cover image and a preview image of an upcoming chapter, so keep your eyes peeled for those! 

MoaB will have art for EACH Chapter posted, although not in any specific order, because I like to mix and match XD AS SUCH, there will 40 more individual pictures at least, posted in groups of 5 like the first image. A total of 8 more images, plus a cover image as well.

I'm a glutton for punishment lol! Please enjoy!

Please see below for News and Polls for current and upcoming stories!




User Status

13 years ago
2 years ago
12 years ago











This story will no longer be posted here on Dokuga. It has been permanently removed and banned from the site, due to my own poor judgement and misunderstanding of the rules of the site. However unknowingly, I violated one of Dokuga's most sacred foundations and have paid the consequence. To those of you who saw the previously posted link asking for donations, please disregard it from this point forward, and know that I sincerely apologize if I made any of you feel blackmailed, pressured or uncomfortable in any way by posting it. I adore everyone who has given their support to this and my other stories, and hope that you will continue to read it either on deviantArt or FF.net. 

If neither of those options work, please note me and I'll be happy to email you the updates each week. I again apologize for costing my Dokuga followers the right to read MoaB here, and hope tht you can all forgive me. I also hope that Dokuga will bear me no ill-will for my honest mistake.




Memories of a Boy... (CAN NOW BE FOUND ONLY ON deviantArt and FF.net under the same name)

8 years before Kagome found a hanyou sealed to Goshinboku, the young girl finds a familiar silver-haired demon standing beneath the same tree in her time... only much, much shorter. This is a tale of how a demon lord who became lost in the future became friends with a miko who would become lost in the past, and how they found each other... and love.


"Everyone deserves to be saved..." A tale of resolution between enemies, allies, times and fates. After the Jewel vanishes without a wish being made, Kagome and her companions must discover the truth about forgiveness, love and destiny in order to heal the past and save the future.

Before There Were Fairy Tales...

5 years before she meets InuYasha, Kagome falls through time to meet his brother after the sudden, tragic death of her father. After a chance encounter with a powerful warrior, the ten year old girl finds herself making friends with a snobby princess and a demon with a serious height complex. Yet when one of her new friends is attacked, Kagome soon becomes caught up in a war that threatens to destroy the people she's come to consider family, as well as herself. This is a tale about a friendship that endures the centuries, a sacrifice that redefined the course of history and a love that defies the boundaries of time.


Ripples of Regret:

He made her see that it was all very simple. The choice had already been
 made... and she wasn't made for regrets. ((Drabbles with no clear 
destination for now))

A Certain Special Blend:

A collection of drabbles and one-shots related to our favorite miko and 
inuyoukai! Each story is based off a writting challenge/prompt, and was 
written by myself AND my friend Stephanie! That's right- every story was
 written by two people... now let the crack commence!



A Sweet Spot:
After what just happened, Sesshomaru can only hope he won't spend the rest of the night in the dog house.
Memories of a Boy~ Halloween Speshful:
Response to MomoDesu's Halloween Challenge: A common Japanese myth scars one the children for life... but who is it, and what does it have to do with Jaken?
A Not-So-Obvious Truth:
Kagome has conquered time traveling, subdued a hanyou and made it to college all while shard hunting. Now, with her thesis on the line, she was stalking larger prey... Poorly written crack fic that resulted from a conversation with another SxK fan about our dear Fluffy-sama seeming to be a tad bit ADD... just saying!




Memories of a Boy: Lesson Learned (WILL BE FOUND ONLY ON deviantArt and FF.net under the same name)

What could a demon lord-to-be possibly learn at a school for humans? Turns out, more than he ever expected... Collection of school-related experiences Sesshomaru and Kagome had during the year he stayed with her.

Memories of a Boy: Untitled???

Collection of stories and speshfuls recounting different events that didn't make it into MoaB and Lesson Learned, including Sesshomaru's experiences after returning to the past, and the reactions of the Inutaichi to Kagome and Sesshomaru's shared past!!!

To Take Advantage

After Sesshomaru joins the group, he make a generous offer to help Shippo with his kitsune training before the next exam- and Kagome unknowingly accepts his offer to help her son... by making her life a living hell! The Event of the Era- Miko versus Inu... Who will win the title of Master Prankster?

Predating Pavlov

Fed up with the posturing, insults and death threats, Kagome uses modern inventions to train a certain set of canine's how to behave. However, when it comes to distracting a demon lord from killing her best friend (or teaching him to roll over for her), Kagome might have gotten in over her head.

The Sound of Truth

Post Canon: When the Shikon Jewel tried to force Kagome into making a selfish wish, memories of a certain silver-haired youkai gives her the strength to make the right wish and overcome the dark fate of all Jewel Protectorates. But what happens when she returns after three years, and everyone has forgotten her?

Mangy Mutt

Youkai don't get weak human illnesses... but what happens when Kagome comes across Sesshomaru with a bad case of worms? Humor Fic for obvious reasons.


08/15/2012: After repeated requests for MoaB to be updated, both on dA and here, I've decided to sit down and hash out the plot-line. Up until now, all 6 chapters have really just been interrelated one-shots based off the images I had submitted for the :iconsesskag: Sandbox Days Contest.  

As I had been working on multiple stories with a friend, as well as both Inescapable AND MoaB all at once, understandably, I started to get confused between my story-lines and the direction I wanted each story to go. Thus, MoaB was set aside, and I had meant for it to stay on hiatus until I had completed Inescapable.

Ya'll have changed all that. Be proud of yourselves :heart:

So, I re-read through all the chapters today, and then sat down and completely worked out the full plot outline. Next, I'll be working out the sequence of events for each chapter. I already have some pretty epic twists and turns planned. Just so everyone knows, the final chapter, while not completely written, is pretty much already set in stone.

:eager: And it's heart-meltingly sweet! :eager:

I was actually crying AND smiling stupidly while outlining it... I was surprised with the direction this story took me, and once I start posting chapters again, I'm hoping you will all be pleasantly surprised as well!

Now that my babbling and blubbering is done, let me explain the part you are all actually waiting for: what the update schedule for MoaB will be and when the next chapter is going to be up.

Chapter 7 is tentatively going to be posted this Friday. That's right people.... you may squee.

I'd like for this story to have another set of eyes go over each chapter for the purposes of editing and catching inconsistencies or confusing elements that may need reworking. If I can get someone, awesome-sauce. If not, they'll just continue to be updated as is, and you'll have to forgive errors ^^;

Now, how often will I update? It all depends... as of right now, I have no idea how many chapters this story is going to be, although I'm thinking it'll be less than 30. So, here are tentative update schedule possibilities:

If there are more than 30 Chapters~ Updates will be every Wednesday and Saturday
If there are less than 30 Chapters~ Updates will be every Saturday

I'm doing things this way so there's more of a steady update of fan-fiction from me instead of slamming it all at you on the same days. I'm hoping this will keep everything evenly spaced out. Maybe. We'll have to wait and see!

Also, the voting on my other journal as to what art you want to see next is open until next Saturday! To vote, please comment HERE: [link]

Aaaaaaaand.... that's all for me now :3 Hope this makes everyone happy!!!


Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts172

Forum Posts
12/22/2017 23:58:48Re:Looking for a modern au fic...Searching for a Fic...3758
12/22/2017 04:27:35Looking for a modern au fic...Searching for a Fic...3758
07/11/2015 14:37:56Re:Kagome Mates All Three??Searching for a Fic...4493
07/06/2015 17:53:13Kagome Mates All Three??Searching for a Fic...4493
06/06/2015 21:23:43Evil MidorikoSearching for a Fic...2576
07/30/2014 15:14:24Looking for a story...Searching for a Fic...2685
04/24/2013 10:57:16Faehime's "I SPY" CHALLENGEChallenges5220
01/29/2013 01:40:19Re:Superior Sense of Smell CHALLENGEChallenges33275
01/28/2013 03:27:03Re:Congratulations Semi Annual 2012 NomineesAwards10043
01/19/2013 18:06:56Re:Superior Sense of Smell CHALLENGEChallenges33275
01/19/2013 03:09:31Re:Superior Sense of Smell CHALLENGEChallenges33275
01/18/2013 17:35:19Re:Superior Sense of Smell CHALLENGEChallenges33275
01/16/2013 23:41:52Re:Important Update for Memories of a Boy Fans!!!Self-Promotion5441
01/16/2013 23:22:36Re:Important Update for Memories of a Boy Fans!!!Self-Promotion5441
01/15/2013 00:11:46Important Update for Memories of a Boy Fans!!!Self-Promotion5441
01/14/2013 04:14:20Re:Superior Sense of Smell CHALLENGEChallenges33275
01/12/2013 20:33:29Re:Superior Sense of Smell CHALLENGEChallenges33275
01/08/2013 20:05:03MoaB UPDATESelf-Promotion2842
12/31/2012 16:30:08Re:The corrupted wish.Forum Games420310
12/31/2012 01:14:42Re:The corrupted wish.Forum Games420310

<< Start < Prev [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 9 Next > End >>


  Kagome's Love
  Alysia DeMaggio
  Yuna Nara
  Michael LeahAnne
<< Start < Prev [1] 2 Next > End >>


FaeHime has 7 stories

A collection of drabbles and one-shots related to our favorite miko and inuyoukai! Each story is based off a writting challenge/prompt, and was written by myself AND my friend Stephanie! That's right- every story was written by two people... now let the crack commence!
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 15 Sep 2012  -  Updated: 29 Sep 2012
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Kink, Romance  -  Chapters: 25  -  Reviews: 8  -  Words: 12,824  -  Reads: 25,635
Response to MomoDesu's Halloween Challenge: A common Japanese myth scars one the children for life... but who is it, and what does it have to do with Jaken?
Rating: T  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 15 Oct 2012  -  Updated: 15 Oct 2012
Genre: Humor  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 4  -  Words: 1,493  -  Reads: 6,668
After what just happened, Sesshomaru can only hope he won't spend the rest of the night in the dog house.
Rating: M  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 03 Oct 2012  -  Updated: 03 Oct 2012
Genre: Erotica, Humor  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 2  -  Words: 861  -  Reads: 8,190
"Everyone deserves to be saved..." A tale of resolution between enemies, allies, times and fates. After the Jewel vanishes without a wish being made, Kagome and her companions must discover the truth about forgiveness, love and destiny in order to heal the past and save the future. CHAPTER 1-17 UNDER REVISION ((NEW CHAPTER ONE IS UP!!!)) Updates every other Friday
Rating: M  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 14 Aug 2012  -  Updated: 12 Jan 2013
Genre: Action, Dark, Drama, Friendship, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 26  -  Reviews: 39  -  Words: 33,897  -  Reads: 52,765
Kagome has conquered time traveling, subdued a hanyou and made it to college all while shard hunting. Now, with her thesis on the line, she was stalking larger prey... Poorly written crack fic that resulted from a conversation with another SxK fan about our dear Fluffy-sama seeming to be a tad bit ADD... just saying!
Rating: K  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 14 Aug 2012  -  Updated: 14 Aug 2012
Genre: Humor  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 1  -  Words: 322  -  Reads: 6,497
5 years before she meets InuYasha, Kagome falls through time to meet his brother after the sudden, tragic death of her father. After a chance encounter with a powerful warrior, the ten year old girl finds herself making friends with a snobby princess and a demon with a serious height complex. Yet when one of her new friends is attacked, Kagome soon becomes caught up in a war that threatens to destroy the people she's come to consider family, as well as herself. This is a tale about a friendship that endures the centuries, a sacrifice that redefined the course of history and a love that defies the boundaries of time.
Rating: K+  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 03 Nov 2012  -  Updated: 24 Nov 2012
Genre: Action, Friendship, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 13  -  Reviews: 40  -  Words: 38,781  -  Reads: 27,723
He made her see that it was all very simple. The choice had already been made... and she wasn't made for regrets. ((Drabbles with no clear destination for now))
Rating: K  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 27 Dec 2012  -  Updated: 30 Dec 2012
Genre: Drama, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 3  -  Reviews: 3  -  Words: 776  -  Reads: 7,066


Total number of images: 56

Tale as Old as Time...
  • Tale as Old as Time...
  • Category: Fanart
Madame Gaston! His
  • Madame Gaston! His "little wife"...
  • Category: Fanart
You Remind Me of the Babe...
  • You Remind Me of the Babe...
  • Category: Fanart
Vision of Esca-Floozy
  • Vision of Esca-Floozy
  • Category: Fanart
Sesshomaru Love and Beauty... Shock?
  • Sesshomaru Love and Beauty... Shock?
  • Category: Fanart
Just Around the Gender-Bend...
  • Just Around the Gender-Bend...
  • Category: Fanart
I Spy with my little eye...
  • I Spy with my little eye...
  • Category: Fanart
Sweet Treat Collaboration with see03
  • Sweet Treat Collaboration with see03
  • Category: Fanart
Journey to the Future Cover WIP 2
  • Journey to the Future Cover WIP 2
  • Category: Fanart
JotSS Chapter 21 FanArt WIP
  • JotSS Chapter 21 FanArt WIP
  • Category: Fanart
Is he doing what I THINK he's doing... in his SLEEP?!
  • Is he doing what I THINK he's doing... in his SLEEP?!
  • Category: Fanart
Lolita Hisa from Chat!!!
Journey to the Future Cover WIP
  • Journey to the Future Cover WIP
  • Category: Fanart
BTWFT Sketch
  • BTWFT Sketch
  • Category: Fanart
What Happens in a Dokuga Chat Room...
  • What Happens in a Dokuga Chat Room...
  • Category: Fanart
see03's Lady of the West
  • see03's Lady of the West
  • Category: Fanart
Take a Whack at It...
  • Take a Whack at It...
  • Category: Fanart
The index card challenge: Art NaNo! 46-50
  • The index card challenge: Art NaNo! 46-50
  • Category: Fanart
The index card challenge: Art NaNo! 41-45
  • The index card challenge: Art NaNo! 41-45
  • Category: Fanart
The index card challenge: Art NaNo! 36-40
  • The index card challenge: Art NaNo! 36-40
  • Category: Fanart
<< Start < Prev [1] 2 3 Next > End >>

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 291

Taunting My Lord
WIP: I see your Pikachu
Someday, I'll tell you this
  • Someday, I'll tell you this
  • Author: Haskap
  • Category: Fanart
Morning, Mate
fight it, miko!!!
Fade Out
Can I touch You?
Tippy Toes
JotSS Colored
Ribbon Valentine
What Happens in a Dokuga Chat Room... :Colored
  • What Happens in a Dokuga Chat Room... :Colored
  • Author: Blackthorn
  • Category: Fanart
Winter 2013
Rin's Child
The Tea Cup Prank
The Girl in the Portrait
  • The Girl in the Portrait
  • Author: see03
  • Category: Others
Smutty smut smut
You Have a Heart
<< Start < Prev [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 15 Next > End >>


Name Entry
Midnight Song

Created On: 08/14/2013 18:50:13

I love getting your reviews! You leave me such details ones, and as I'm sure you're aware, that's relatively rare! That said, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to thank you for your last one! So thank you!

I'm still deciding what to do with Kouga/Kags, but I'm thinking it's time, or almost time, for an Ayame shaped wrench to show up. Or another wrench. I want something different, but I'm still trying to decide which way I want to take it.

Midnight Song

Created On: 06/26/2013 21:48:21
Edited By Midnight Song On: 06/26/2013 21:49:15

Per usual, I loved your review!! ^///^

It's been months, and I felt horrible, but I just completely lost where I wanted to go with the story and so everything I ended up writing, I hated. I think I had like 10 chapters written at one point that I never uploaded, and in fact deleted at some point, because I just didn't like the direction it was sending the story.

Now that I have my flow back, it's not hard at all. I think I just had so much stuff going on with school and work that I lost all urges to be creative. I even got a C in my drawing II class, because I couldn't focus in there either. It was horrible. But I'm definitely glad to be back, LOL.

As far as gramps, it really wasn't his fault, but I can't go into that yet without giving away major plot lines. T_T And Kouga/Kagome really is one of my favorite pairings. Hatter Theory has one on ff.net that I just love called Ton Up, and it's been making me want to write one of my own LOL.

Is everything alright with you? I'm really good at listening if you want to vent. ^_^
Feedback from FaeHime: I understand! I'm currently struggling in class because of some major heavy personal crap going on, but reading this is helping me cheer up! I was about to finish up my next chappie of MoaB while I wait for your next update XD

And I'ts a lovely offer I'd normally take you up on, but I'm under a gag order about posting it online right now. I'll be able to talk in two days though!

Hope all is well, and I can't wait to see what you have up your sleeves!

Sy Sheer

Crazy Reality
Created On: 10/30/2012 09:10:59

That's a really cool idea with Pepe, I just might have to do that! *giggles* And now you've made me want to make it a running drabble for the costume's. Man Fae! You just know how to get my muse up and running, don't you?

Midnight Song

Created On: 10/14/2012 19:44:41

Again, your review made me laugh and smile. xDxD As far as gramps go, his actions have later explanations in the story that are just now forming in my mind LOL. and OMFG if you do fanart....I'll so owe you LOL. I'll write you a fic or something with anything you want LOL. And I just might take you up on that help thing ahaha. Cellular respiration and photosynthesis are killing me.

Midnight Song

Created On: 10/14/2012 19:06:47

Loved your review LOL. Let's just say he know's what it is and leave it at that. ^_^
Feedback from FaeHime: X3 I'm glad! Seriously, I adore Bitter Like Chocolate It fills me with joy, even as the cliffies drive me insane XD

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