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About Me
Let's see...I've been a fan of Sesshomaru and Kagome for many years now. I am a fanfic writer and have been for some years. On Fanfiction.net (FF.net): Elenna Telrunya On AdultFanfiction.net(AFF.net): Elenna I am currently working on a Sess/Kag fanfic called: Total Eclipse of the Heart. After this fanifc is completed, I will be working on several more ideas, one-shots in particular. You can catch me in Dokuga's Chatroom most of the time....though beware of Sesshomaru-sama....there was an accident and ever since, we've been a bit "connected." I hope to see a lot of you there! Other than being a Sesshomaru/Kagome fan, I am also a huge fan of the movie the Labyrinth and the German musicals Tanz der Vampire and Elisabeth. I am so happy to be on this site and I can't wait to start sharing my fanfics with everyone on here! So, with that said, thank you guys so much for having me here! I LOVE SESSHOMARU AND KAGOME PAIRING!!! |
User Status
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17 years ago | |
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15 years ago | |
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Elenna |
HIYA!!! My name is Elenna Telrunya....and just to help you pronounce it right...it's: Elenna (E-lawn-na) Telrunya (Tell-run-ya) I got ths unique name from two different things:
Ok..so now you know my name and how I got it...let me tell you a little bit about me: When it comes to rp (role-play), I'm an InuYoukai who is also a descendant of Sesshomaru - though not directly descended. I am mated to INC (Incomprehensible) and have many children...(Mika, FL, Fall-chan). I hope that in the nearby future, I will be able to write out some of my fantastic stories of my life with my family to share with you...but let's finish one fanfic at a time! ^_^ (EDITED!)When it come to the REAL me...I'm a college student majoring in English with a concentration in Creative Writing. I also am minoring in International Studies. I'm hoping to be doing a study abroad program at Kansai Gaidai in Osaka, Japan in the fall of 2011 but we will just have to see how that goes. I am also a musical trader (a person who trades foreign musicals). I also do a lot of fanfic for the movie Labyrinth as well as other anime shows that I find quite an interest in. I do music videos for MANY things and am on Youtube...my account is: ElennaxTelrunya. Also, as stated above, I am a writer who is publishing a book. My first book is Book 1 of a 9 book series called: The Wolfen Bloodline in which a family discoveries secrets in another world about their heritage. Book 1 will be entitled: Elenna Pt. 1 and I don't know when it will be out. I am currently working with an English professor (who has published books and articles) on getting this done and I must say that it's about time! I've been working on this for MANY years (9 years) and I'm ready to get these out there to the world! Stay tuned for more news on this! Alright, that's enough for now...I'll try updating every once in a while so I'll see you then! Ja ne! |
Forum Statistics | |
Forum Ranking | Pup![]() |
Total Posts | 46 |
Karma | 3 |
Elenna has 4 stories