Moogi Profile Page

About Me

Alright, well the names Mugen. :3 Though people call me Moogi, Moogs, Moo, and etc. :3

Is my name actually Mugen?

.... No. xD But whatever, you know? Haha, so call me whatever tickles your fancy. :3 I won't mind either way. (I have been known to be called 'L', since my "real name" starts with the letter 'L' and all that. xD I luff him. L, I mean. Anyway...)

Back on topic--- Me. =D

I enjoy writing of all sorts. Well, except essays... But anyhow... Yeah. Thats why I'm here. I also love this paring to death, although I'm a die hard Yaoi fangirl. I favored this paring first however, so I can't find it in me to get rid of it. :3 They're just so cute. xD

What are my /other/ favorite couples you ask? =D Good question.

  • Death note wise--- Of course, L x Light. They're my only favorite couple in that anime.
  • Inuyasha--- The ONE AND ONLY, Kagome x Sesshoumaru! 8D Oh, and also Sesshoumaru x Inuyasha. Though honestly, a lot of those aren't real good. However, I /have/ found some. @.@ They're awesome...
  • Naruto---- SasuNaru. Nuff said. End of story. =D Well actually... xD I like A LOT of different parings in that one. And surprisingly, I only like two hetero couples. Which includes--- NejixHinata and ShikamaruxTemari. xD Temari is AWESOME without a doubt. Love her to bits. :3 Anyways, onto the other couples. The rest are yaoi, by the way. xDD Most are. >>;; Here goes my list!
  • Sasuke x Naruto
  • Sasuke x Neji
  • Neji x Naruto
  • Sasuke x Gaara (Don't ask why. o____O I just do. Very sadist couple, I  must say)
  • Sasuke x Itachi (xDD Yes, the Uchiha brothers.)
  • Who else....? >>; *thinking*
  • Kakashi x Sasuke
  • Shikamaru x Temari
  • Neji x Hinata (personally, I don't like Hinata all that much. :\ But I ADORE Neji. :3)There's more, trust me. I'm just too lazy to remember them all. I think those are all my main ones, though.

There's more anime I like, but I'm too lazy to think of them all right now. Oh! Like, Samurai Champloo. Hence where I got my nickname. If you haven't seen that yet, YOU HAVE TO GO AND SEE IT. It's beyond awesome, trust me. >3

I also really like role playing. Not that crazy stuff, you know, that happens behind closed bedroom doors or whatever.. o.O No. xD Though I'm sure most people know which one I'm referring to. (The one my parents wouldn't kill me if they caught me in the mist of) Haha, but yeah. I will Love you to death if you do too and are willing to try out a role play or two with me. xD Doesn't necessarily have to be with the paring Kagome x Sesshoumaru, but that'd be cool too. 8D Just ask me about it or something if you're interested.

On another note, I'll be adding more stuff soon. Some of my old stuff and some hot-out-of-the-oven things too. >0< I'm currently working on a chapter story, but I'm sorta stuck on the first chapter. xD I already have some major key points and plot-wise stuff thought up and written down, but if anyone is willing to sorta help trow out ideas for the filler chapters and whatnot, please do. xD Contact me or whatever. We'll settle out ideas, I show what I have, ideas and pending plots too, and of course, you will have plenty of credit and love thrown your way! 83

I'll be /also/ adding more to this section here too. You know, so you get to know me a little more as a person than just some fanfic writer. Hopefully we can be friends. :3

Well, Ta-ta for now. xD *poofs*

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03/19/2010 22:52:37In need of a little assistance. "Porcelain"Searching for a Fic...2408


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Moogi has 1 stories

Second One-shot: She was met with a demon, too prideful to admit his body was slowly giving up.
Rating: M  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 06 Dec 2008  -  Updated: 07 Dec 2008
Genre: Angst, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 2  -  Reviews: 7  -  Words: 3,102  -  Reads: 5,055


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