Cathyrin Profile Page

About Me

I have been reading Inu-Yasha Fanfiction since i was like 14. I started out on then went to adultfanfiction then here to Dokuga. I love a good fanfiction and I love chapter ones. I love the Sesshoumaru and Kagome pairing. They are just so contradictory that they work. also, if anyone knows of any other fanfiction site, please, lemme know. always looking for other good sites.


anyways......basic info.....hmmmmm.......

1) Business Major

2) I LOVE to read!!!

Sherrilyn Kenyon
Christine Feehan
JD Robb
Janet Evonovinch
Lori Handeland
and many more

3) I love my job~cant stand not being busy

4) i love to cook. Love new recipes and totally up to sharing recipes if anyones got anything great.

5) that is my cat in my profile pic. Her name is kitty and she is a adorable dick




I'm always up to meeting new people, so feel free to message me anytime.



ItwasaComandTokenReally like this pic.



User Status

14 years ago
5 years ago
10 years ago


Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts228

Forum Posts
08/25/2019 07:14:27Re:PLEASE HELP ME FIND THIS FANFICFanfiction Help4440
07/31/2017 23:33:13Re:Looking for....Searching for a Fic...5101
11/14/2016 22:53:01Re:Kagome/Vegeta? Inuyasha/Dragon Ball Z CrossoverSearching for a Fic...6713
11/14/2016 14:31:26Re:Kagome/Vegeta? Inuyasha/Dragon Ball Z CrossoverSearching for a Fic...6713
08/15/2016 19:05:25Re:Searching: Sesshomaru kagome fanficSearching for a Fic...3434
08/13/2016 20:20:41Re:Searching: Sesshomaru kagome fanficSearching for a Fic...3434
08/10/2016 19:37:09Re:I need help please, I'm desperateSearching for a Fic...2751
08/03/2016 13:27:35Re:Connected in future?Searching for a Fic...3845
01/13/2016 19:42:04Re:Threesome fanfic?Fanfiction7985
10/20/2015 12:45:54Re:Favorite non fanfiction authorsOff-Topic Discussion4581
08/26/2015 21:53:41Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/KagGeneral Discussion216905
04/09/2015 11:36:53Re:Cant remember titleSearching for a Fic...2587
04/09/2015 10:44:23Cant remember titleSearching for a Fic...2587
03/31/2015 16:24:01Re:I was just reading it...but now it's goneSearching for a Fic...2215
02/03/2015 20:20:27Re:BirthSearching for a Fic...6398
12/03/2014 18:30:53Re:GloatingOff-Topic Discussion7004
11/27/2014 11:20:42Happy turkey day!!!!Off-Topic Discussion3474
11/17/2014 20:29:41Re:Need Rec's - Romance, Angst, Epics TalesRecommendations4315
11/16/2014 15:25:20Re:GloatingOff-Topic Discussion7004
10/07/2014 22:33:50Re:Where do you live?Off-Topic Discussion82063

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  Waiting Dog


Cathyrin has 1 stories

Kagome was done, or so she thought, until a surprise vistor stopped her. Simple and short one-shot.
Rating: K  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 18 Dec 2011  -  Updated: 18 Dec 2011
Genre: Angst, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 0  -  Words: 1,216  -  Reads: 5,647

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 56

Cold Demon Lord
No Dawn, No Day
Fade Out
Can I touch You?
Fanfiction art- Murasaki
Kagome - Goddess of Motherhood
JotSS Chapter 21 FanArt WIP
January 2013 - Primero Style
.:Commission-sesskag-New Lady:.
Kakuchuu - September 2012
Changing with Time
the only thing ...
  • the only thing ...
  • Author: aiko
  • Category: Fanart
Mine - Colored
Tender Kiss
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Name Entry
Sesshomaru's Secret Admirer

Created On: 05/27/2015 20:17:26

Thank you for your kind review on "His Milestones". I was so happy to hear that you were so invested in the story. It is truly comments like yours that motivate me to update as soon as possible. I was intrigued by your prediction of what may happen in the next chapter. You will get to see what happens soon, for sure.
Thank you again! Your support and views are appreciated!


Created On: 12/10/2014 07:32:33

Hey Cathyrin,
Thank you for your review for "Invictus"! I'm glad you think it's intense so far. I was going for that while writing it, and it certainly gets more intense. Lol. I hope you continue to enjoy the story.

Luna C.

Created On: 10/20/2013 19:57:31

Thank you for your review for "Holy Hill"! I was getting scared too writing that story at night hahah!

DN Silence

Created On: 03/27/2013 15:06:16
Edited By DN Silence On: 03/27/2013 19:21:24

Thank you for your lovely comments on my art. Reviews always help encouraging writter/artists to put more effort in their progesses.So I really appreciate your support. I'm glad that you like it


Created On: 03/02/2013 15:57:02

I hope you love cliff hangers as much as I do!!! They keep me wanting more! I'm enjoying writing Talk to Me, I hope you enjoy reading it!


Created On: 01/17/2013 16:54:47

Thank you for reviewing my story Dog Days! Hope it continues to be good!

Stella Mira

Created On: 12/23/2012 21:27:02

Thank you for reading and reviewing my story "A Blue Ribbon". I'm really happy to hear that you like my little drabbles! And thank you for the wonderful prompt. I'll definitely use that one

I'll update soon


Created On: 12/07/2012 20:31:58

In regards to your notice:

I accidentally put the Communication chapter up for Twenty Four Days Till Christmas- finals week will do that to you!

Feedback from Cathyrin: It's ok. I was just confused cause I have both bookmarked to update me with new chapters. Good luck on ur finals!


Created On: 09/23/2012 14:22:51

Thank you so much for your review on Reward! I really enjoy writing Kagome as more uninhibited,perhaps a wee bit darker, than the norm. I am thrilled that you enjoyed her as well. Totally made my Sunday Funday that you did!



Created On: 09/20/2012 23:05:12

Thanks for your review on MokoHeaven! I'm working on more chapters, so hopefully there will be more soon. I know there will be more moko silliness

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INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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