CandIcane Profile Page

About Me

Well I'm a busy Mom, wife (common-law), and student at the moment! Who in my spare time (lacking of late) loves to read and write. Hoping to get some stories posted on the site here soon.

I own two horses, but sadly they both might be sold here sortly (not enough time for them :(. ) I'm also an archer; just starting practice here for the upcoming season. I LOVE it so much and I'm pretty good at it too if I do say so myself (hubby hates that I picked up the bow and was a natural at it lol.) That's about it about me for now.......


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14 years ago
3 years ago
14 years ago


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Forum Posts
09/18/2011 20:55:47Re:Name That Disney Song!Forum Games337248


  Waiting Dog
  Synyster Star


CandIcane has 2 stories

This is the story of Poison and Fire; two forces that are powerful in their own right, but when joined together as one they would be unstoppable. One was meant only to protect a “GUARDIAN” by birthright, and the other was meant to be their Lord a “LEADER” by birthright. Their paths were intertwined from the moment of their existence, and would alter their kind’s future for all time to come.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 09 Jun 2011  -  Updated: 10 Oct 2011
Genre: Action, Drama, Friendship, Humor, Romance, Tragedy  -  Chapters: 2  -  Reviews: 9  -  Words: 4,169  -  Reads: 4,531
This is a song fic based on Gloriana's (Kissed You) Good Night. In an attempt to make up for my lack of updating my other story, and trying to get this song OUT OF MY HEAD!
Rating: K  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 24 Jul 2012  -  Updated: 24 Jul 2012
Genre: Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 0  -  Words: 1,188  -  Reads: 3,787


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