Jekya Profile Page

About Me

Hey the name's Jekya or if that's too hard just jk-chan. I've been reading fanfics for a long time now my first places being, and I absolutely love sess/kag works and maybe even Sess/Kag/Inu wait... that sounds weird but its so cute so I dont care. I even write my own some stuff on the side but ive been too bashful to post it. I'm I live in Wisconsin and I hate it here. I'm an extreme otaku and a music lover mostly like Rave/Dance/Electronic type genres but any type will do depending on my mood except hip-hop and country. I watch lots of asian dramas and read loads of manga. For the most part I love any books that have to deal with vampires,demons,etc. am i trying to say that I'm a twihard secretly maybe but i can't help that. Here at Dokuga I hope to find new friends and  someone awesome that could help me with writing since i'm an amateur and i wish to be better writer through hard work and dedication.

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11 years ago


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05/10/2012 12:15:44Re:What fan fic(s) would you read over again?General Discussion197986
03/30/2011 10:16:10Re:How old are you, Dokuga?Off-Topic Discussion148755
02/18/2011 10:49:34Anime Milwaukee 2011Off-Topic Discussion1915
02/08/2011 12:32:33Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/KagGeneral Discussion217037
01/26/2011 09:49:01Re:Dark/Smutty/Romantic in a f'ed up way Fic!Recommendations46529
01/21/2011 14:14:37Re:website u cant live withoutOff-Topic Discussion60395
01/20/2011 14:14:27Re:Need K-pop SuggestionsOff-Topic Discussion52016
01/19/2011 13:28:56Re:Need K-pop SuggestionsOff-Topic Discussion52016
01/19/2011 11:21:43Re:Looking for a ficSearching for a Fic...51007
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01/13/2011 getting all weird again?Off-Topic Discussion53999
12/28/2010 10:50:10Re:Where do you live?Off-Topic Discussion82151
10/06/2010 14:05:48Re:Looking for Asian Dramas!Off-Topic Discussion8242
09/29/2010 17:06:08Re:Cursed by KiraiRecommendations3613
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05/24/2010 10:17:45Re:What was the last fic that made you cry?General Discussion61973
05/18/2010 12:12:36Re:What movie have you recently seen?Off-Topic Discussion22004
04/30/2010 14:19:36Re:RANDOM CHAT!!!Off-Topic Discussion2200
03/08/2010 19:09:22Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued!General Discussion110527
03/02/2010 13:43:08Anime Milwaukee 3.5Off-Topic Discussion2085

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Jekya has 0 stories


Name Entry
Moonlight Silk

Created On: 05/16/2014 09:02:57

Thank you so much for the review on Object of my Desire.!!


Created On: 08/25/2010 08:35:56

Thanks for the review on Blood Stained,
Sorry it took me so long to update, but apparently, I posted the new chapter, just a bit after you requested more, lol!
Feedback from Jekya: lol yay im so happy tht u did i loved the chap keep up the good wrk!!!!!


Created On: 03/10/2010 05:41:52

beautiful jus beautiful

Thank you for the encouraging comment on 'Prelude'!


Created On: 03/08/2010 16:34:45

Thanks for the review! XD
Next chapter is already done! Just waiting to get it back from my beta =D


Created On: 03/05/2010 08:39:07

Thanks for the review!
And let's just put it this way...
It'll take him a very long time, lol.
Feedback from Jekya: Lol thnx as long as he does


Created On: 03/04/2010 12:55:53

Thanks for the review on bloodstained!
I'm just waiting on my beta, and then I'll update!


Created On: 02/23/2010 21:46:15

sigh that has the be the hotest thing i ever saw

Hello! Thank you for the lovely comment for the coloured version of 'Let Sleeping Dogs Lie'! He's appealing even in repose, no?
Feedback from Jekya: yes so beautiful i jus wish i was in the bed with him lol


Created On: 02/23/2010 15:35:12

Thanks for the review...I hope that was a good ekkk


at schoool!!
Created On: 02/23/2010 09:56:08

Hey!! ducky here!!! ^__^ just wanna say hi to a fellow kpop fan!!
Feedback from Jekya: yay k-pop is awesome do u watch dramas ?

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