Aoi-Kaji Profile Page

About Me






As you have witnessed, I can be pretty funny when I'm in a fair mood. Although, even if I am in a sour mood I'll try to liven things up =]. How rude of meh! I forgot to introduce myself.. Hello, my name is unimportant. Although you may ask if you'd like to know. I am a girl(whoo! big surprise ¬¬) that's from Florida but currently living in Missouri. I know right, weird lol. Ano, I've had my fair share of exploring the creative world when I was in my early teens and Id given it up for something I thought would be better: False love. Although, now I'm starting to regain my composure in it and hopefully I'll start drawing, writing, and playing music like I once did. I like constructive critisism even on some bad days. Hm... this is alot of babble just to describe myself.. here's a summary of it all. =]

Age: 21

Eyes:Very very dark brown. Once looked black.

Hair: Extremely Black

Personality: As I said before, I'm really laid back and I can take whatever you give me as long as it's in good intensions. Meaning: You're not really trying to make me kill you in your sleep *sweet smile*. I don't usually like to talk about "touchy" subjects like politics and things that have to be debated on which is better than the other. Why can't the world just smoke one big blunt and live happy? lol Ano, just to clear things up now.. I don't smoke pot. Although, a few of my real life friends from high school and work do d=.

Pet peeves: I don't have any that I can think of at the top of my head but as you get to know me, you'll learn what they are when I blurt out, "Guh! I hate that!"

Favorite Movies: I'm still a child at heart. To be honest, I still watch disney movies. Mainly the cartoon ones such as, "The Lion King", "Aladdin", "Beauty and the Beast", etc... YES! I ADMIT! I WILL NEVER LET GO OF MICKEY! I also love comedies/romance like "The Proposal" and "The Love Guru"(Which I can almost qoute the whole movie w/the help of my boyfriend... and yes, I do have a boyfriend c;) My utmost favorite romance is "Moulin Rouge". I LURVS IT SO MUCHO! c3

Favorite TV shows: House, Royal Pains, Private Practice, Monk, Family Guy, almost all animes that have been on Adult Swim c;, Discovery: Health and Investigation, Animal planet, History channel, and Real Chance at Love.

Books: Twilight series, Lois Lowry's The giver, Gathering Blue, and The Messanger

Motto(s): Live your life to the fullest l:l Laugh at all the things that don't matter l:l Love with all you have & more; Life is too short to be upset majority of the time.

If that doesn't sum it all up then idk what would! Well.. I didn't put some stuff on there but you can just ask me for the rest yourself d=




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16 years ago
11 years ago
13 years ago








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Forum Posts
01/08/2012 01:16:16Re:January Drabble/Drawble NightGeneral Discussion5401
01/06/2012 03:21:10Re:Fanart and Fanfics Tournament (rehauled)Challenges27027
01/03/2012 05:09:35Re:Fanart and Fanfics Tournament (rehauled)Challenges27027
01/03/2012 04:57:23Re:IDDN 1-2-2012Off-Topic Discussion5221
01/02/2012 00:37:28Re:Things Sesshomaru would never say.Forum Games640451
01/02/2012 00:31:30Re:Would you rather...?Forum Games157564
01/14/2010 06:47:23Has anyone ever thought of........?Challenges2677
10/11/2009 05:40:48Re:Sesshomaru's VoiceGeneral Discussion9451
09/27/2009 18:21:12Re:**Happy b-day LC!**Off-Topic Discussion13671


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Aoi-Kaji has 2 stories

A series of silliness! Possible action @,@ included! Standard disclaimer.
Rating: K+  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Oneshot Collections  -  Created: 03 Jan 2012  -  Updated: 08 Jan 2012
Genre: Action, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 20  -  Reviews: 0  -  Words: 4,002  -  Reads: 6,555
It's been many seasons since I last saw the light of the sun outside of the chains which bind me to this wretched hole... Seasons spent waiting... Listening to the troll of a human bid off my kind to the other smelling humans as slaves... Soon, soon I will be out. Once I am deemed non-threatening and sold, I shall have my revenge, until then...
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 29 Aug 2012  -  Updated: 31 Aug 2012
Genre: Action, Angst, Erotica, Friendship, Romance  -  Chapters: 2  -  Reviews: 1  -  Words: 5,346  -  Reads: 8,670


Total number of images: 12

Night Terror
  • Night Terror
  • Category: Fanart
Kagome Lineart
  • Kagome Lineart
  • Category: Fanart
Kagome iPod Commercial
  • Kagome iPod Commercial
  • Category: Fanart
Sesshoumaru iPod Commercial
  • Sesshoumaru iPod Commercial
  • Category: Fanart
Inuyasha iPod Commercial
  • Inuyasha iPod Commercial
  • Category: Fanart
Because it's Magic
  • Because it's Magic
  • Category: Fanart
Kagome representing!
  • Kagome representing!
  • Category: Fanart
My Dokugasona
  • My Dokugasona
  • Category: Others
Er.. Merry Winter Time! lol
  • Er.. Merry Winter Time! lol
  • Category: Fanart
  • Category: Fanart
r0o's gagged Sesshou w/my own touch c;
  • r0o's gagged Sesshou w/my own touch c;
  • Category: Banners
Scene from Texanlady's
  • Scene from Texanlady's "The Breeder" Ch. 5
  • Category: Fanart

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 314

Kiss for Nectar Plz
My Heir
New Kid in School
Finding Rin
time to fight
Someone Like You
Never Ending Pain
IDDN- allolalia
IDDN Truss
Slimy kiss
Old sketch
DDN - Bright
the perfect couple
  • the perfect couple
  • Author: aiko
  • Category: Fanart
Centaur Kagome
Crystal Ball
<< Start < Prev [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 16 Next > End >>


Name Entry

Created On: 03/12/2010 02:10:24

Aoi, Aoi, it's up, it's up!! Chapter 48! I swear I am on a writing rampage. Much love to you!


Created On: 03/12/2010 01:42:44

I absolutely adore dogs too! My love for cats seems to be limited to only kittens, I guess So do you have a dog of your own? I am particularly in love with shih tzus.

The update would come real soon! In fact, I am done with the chapter. But I haven't had the chance to edit it, and I would like to do so before I post it up. Can't wait to hear how you feel about it! *huggles*


Created On: 03/12/2010 00:36:24

I wish she was mine, but nope, she belongs to a friend of mine! I absolutely adore puppies though...maybe that explains the love for Sesshoumaru HAHA. are you more of a dog or cat person?

Anyway, I'm currently working on the next chapter of Wisteria! There's loads of fluffy angst and Sesshoumaru-emotional-torture but I hope you would enjoy it nonetheless! I have no idea when it will be might be real soon, though. thank you dear Aoi, for being soooo supportive!!


Created On: 03/12/2010 00:03:28

Awww Aoi, you once again make me the happiest girl. I understand being busy, honestly, I am so busy with school at the moment. But I just couldn't resist writing more chapters for Wisteria since I am just so hooked onto my own story. It's such a relief for everyone that Kumano is now dead eh? I was thinking of a million ways to kill him but I figured it'd be best for Sesshy to do so. Thank you so much for your stunning reviews...they bring smiles to my face, they really do Love you loads too!!


Created On: 03/07/2010 05:31:09

Dear Aoi! Thank you thank you thank you for all your lovely reviews of Wisteria and also your wall post! *HUGE SMILEYY* You made my day - I was out the entire day giving private tuition and had a ton of readings to do for school and voila! I saw your message and reviews Thank you, love!! You're the best!! I am so lucky to have a friend in youuuu~


Created On: 02/16/2010 01:54:06

Dear Aoi,
I am positively blushing from the lovely review you've left for "The Third Parties"! I will definitely update it, but I have no idea when I can sit down and write it properly given how little free time I have right now. It's the Lunar New Year for the Chinese, and there's just so much celebrating, eating and whatever going on. So I am just enjoying life and getting fat on all those yummy goodies. But anyway, thank you for enjoying the story so much - I try my best to fit into everyone's shoes to create a well-rounded perspective to the story. It's really just me and my overactive brain (I am definitely not an amazing author, just an honest one) Thank you for making my day!!


Created On: 02/07/2010 19:49:46

Dear Aoi,
Thank you so much for the lovely review you left for Wisteria and also, for your votes I really appreciate your support, and will continue to write better chapters for the story. I haven't really got started on chapter 44 yet, mainly because I have two assignments due at the end of this week and the muse seems to be hiding somewhere. But it will come back to me soon, so please wait patiently in the meantime. So, which is your favorite scene in Wisteria? My personal favorite would have to be the one in which they stood in the rain outside Hanaka, on the streets of Gion.

Thank you for giving my other stories a chance too! I hope you'll enjoy them as much as you enjoyed Wisteria. If you like to read other pairings from other fandoms like Bleach, Rurouni Kenshin, D. Grayman, you can check them out on I go by the same pen name there


Created On: 01/19/2010 05:25:43
Edited By Nysrina On: 11/09/2021 11:49:45

Feedback from Aoi-Kaji: lol, aww you're so sweet


Created On: 01/15/2010 21:50:55
Edited By Nysrina On: 11/09/2021 11:49:11

Feedback from Aoi-Kaji: You are very welcome. ^-^ you're a great at drawing w/your own personality and not how everyone else thinks it is or how the creater does it. It's unique =]


Created On: 11/04/2009 16:31:44

Thank you so much for your review of my story "The Ninja's Downfall". I have to say, your review had me laughing out loud. Thanks again!

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