Dehlia Profile Page

About Me

On fanfiction/fanart sites, I'm known as the "AnimeDivaGoddess (ADG)" or "sesshyqueen9205." It would be really great if you guys could use that instead of my real name, plz. Lolz.

I've been a SessxKag fan for as long as I can remember! I can't even remember the name of the fanfiction that got me into them; it's been so long! Lol. I'm in the process of writing a few fanfictions on One of them might swing the SessxKag way, and if it does, I promise I'll post it here!

I've seen quite a few fanarts for SessxKag on this site so far, and I'm thinking about writing one-shots for a few of them. Look out for them! Wink


User Status

16 years ago
8 years ago
16 years ago


If you know what's good for you, you'll call me the "AnimeDivaGoddess," (or ADG for short). Dehlia is only used by close friends. Lolz. Cool 


Forum Statistics
Forum RankingPup
Total Posts5

Forum Posts
08/02/2010 16:06:09Re:The Best of Unfinished FanfictionRecommendations86117
09/03/2009 06:25:03Re:The Best of Unfinished FanfictionRecommendations86117
09/03/2009 06:14:02Re:The Best of Unfinished FanfictionRecommendations86117
09/03/2009 01:07:16Re:The Best of Unfinished FanfictionRecommendations86117
08/28/2009 10:29:54Re:Asian Dramas, what's your poison?Off-Topic Discussion4132


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Dehlia has 0 stories

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 90

The Lord and His Lady
October 2012 - Kakuchuu
MoaB Series II Puppy Breath WIP 4
  • MoaB Series II Puppy Breath WIP 4
  • Author: FaeHime
  • Category: Fanart
Breathe Slow
SSS Battle Scene Finished
.:Commission-sesskag-New Lady:.
Sandbox Days MINE
Pride and Prejudice *colored*
School Boy Shippo
In the Future ahead...
Sweet Dreams
Sweets or Spicy?
<< Start < Prev [1] 2 3 4 5 Next > End >>


Name Entry

Created On: 08/12/2011 10:54:38

Thank you so much for the headsup, I just corrected that silly little slip up. Huh, I really never noticed that myself.

Also, I'm happy to hear that you're enjoying Tables Turned! ^_^ I hope you like the rest of it as well!

Thank you for your kind thought. I have to admit I have thought about publishing my original work (if I ever manage to finish them, that is) but I'm kinda unsure if I'll ever pursue a career as a professional writer... I think I lack the ambition for it. ^^;

Anyway, thanks again for pointing out my mistake, I really appreciate it. ^_^

- Chie

Aimee Blue

Created On: 03/06/2010 11:32:18

Thanks so much for your lovely reviews on Himitsu!

Inu Guardian

Created On: 01/30/2010 22:04:49

OMG!!! Thank you for your wonderful review on "Melt"!! That's what I was going for! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I've yet to decide if I'm going to go further with it, but if I do, I will let you know! Thank you so much!!

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