Jessica Profile Page

About Me

Hey all,

Thanks for everyone's support of my fanfic. I wanted to make an announcement and I figure maybe my profile would be best.


Here are some details:

- Title of story needing proofing: Fateful Meetings

- It's an Inuyasha alternate universe romance with a Kagome/Sesshomaru pairing

- Other than knowing the Inuyasha characters, you don't need to be super familiar with the original story - I changed their pasts and stuff anyway

- Currently incomplete, but already over 130,000 words

- There's thoroughly romanticized sex in it (as all lemons seem to be) as well as reference to an angsty sexual past

- I'm a sucker for true love that develops slowly (none of that love-at-first-sight bullshit)

- I like happy endings so the story will end well - maybe at ~200k words?

- I do actually have a life outside of fandom so my updates and contacting can be unpredictable (though I'd make the effort to keep a beta informed)

- This is my first fanfiction, but I've seen/read plenty of anime/manga/fanfiction

- I'm not some aspiring Pulitzer prize winner, but I like having different outlets for my creativity (usually it's art)

- I don't mind if someone just straight up tells me something sucks haha - just make sure you tack on a solution or at least point me in the right direction

- I know I'm relatively weak at keeping a consistent voice/tense throughout a piece, and too damn lazy to proofread and catch the shifts

- Ah yes...did I mention I curse? lol...


As for what I'm looking for in a beta:

- I'm in my 20s myself, so I'd appreciate a mature beta as well (so if you're into Justin Bieber...sorry dude but beta someone else...)

- I need help with grammar, voice/tense, punctuation (especially around dialogue), constructions, formatting, etc. - preferably from someone with some formal training in that area. As a native English speaker, I'm not completely inept so I want my beta to have more expertise than I.

- I like someone that's brutally honest with a slice of humor. I, myself, am someone that can be blunt to the point of being offensive to some of the more...delicate personalities out there

- While I know exactly where I'm going with my story, I do want someone telling me if I'm being excessively angsty, or unnecessarily dragging out an arch, etc.

- I want someone that won't take offense if I don't incorporate a suggestion - I do hold some rights to literary freedom, even though I'm no Shakespeare


Alright, that's my "ad" to all betas out there. lol I hope I didn't scare everyone away. I'm actually a mellow, easy-going person. haha Though my boyfriend can second that I'm not the most feminine girl out there. Other than the working on my feminine wiles, I take improving myself very seriously. So please private message me if you're interested in being my beta and more or less satisfy my requirements.

Looking forward to some responses...=P


User Status

14 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago


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  Silphire Inu
  Duchess Of Darkness


Jessica has 1 stories

Set in Feudal Japan. Kagome is an orphaned miko living on the outskirts of the Western Lands. One day, she finds an injured Sesshomaru in the forest and heals him. Her adventure begins as fateful encounters slowly draw her into the society of demons.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 08 Sep 2011  -  Updated: 26 Apr 2012
Genre: Drama, Romance  -  Chapters: 39  -  Reviews: 110  -  Words: 165,033  -  Reads: 167,589


Name Entry
Duchess Of Darkness

Created On: 09/09/2011 02:33:23

I absolutely adore your story and hope to get more updates, I've never read anything so addicting and novel worthy. Keep up the great work miss lady.

Feedback from Jessica: Hey Duchess of Darkness! Thanks for your awesome comment on my wall. Sorry if I didn't get back to you until now. I'm still learning how to use you have no idea how long it took just to figure out how to post a new story.......
I see other people with all these cool banners and shit on their profile, and I'm like, 'well at least I wrote a profile? lame...' Anyway, keep readin'!

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