Siobhan Profile Page

About Me

Hello to anyone who actually reads this~

I'm not sure I'll ever post anything here that'll be worth your while, but with the help of a dear friend of mine (the reason I joined), maybe I can shell out a fluffy little something or two to break down my writer's block.  Just like her, I think about too many things at once, so if I lose touch with a story along the way and go for something else, it gets hurled into limbo and may very well never see the light of day again. *weeps for the many fallen IY fanfics*

Wish me luck?

User Status

17 years ago
16 years ago
17 years ago


My profile image is of my character Siobhan Warrick, and every time I think of her standing with Sesshoumaru, I feel as though I could die laughing.  She has nothing to do with him, nor the IY universe, and yet, in theory, she could be called a dog demon.  She's a wolf-shifter, her dad is Fenrisulfr, and she uses wind element.  Her friend cut off the rest of that shirt, btw.  That's why she's nervous.


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Total Posts12

Forum Posts
05/02/2009 09:57:13Re:RumoursForum Games587665
05/01/2009 05:28:31Re:RumoursForum Games587665
05/01/2009 05:24:15Re:DA peopleOff-Topic Discussion16826
12/17/2008 18:24:56Re:RumoursForum Games587665
12/16/2008 12:47:42Re:RumoursForum Games587665
12/16/2008 03:35:41Re:RumoursForum Games587665
12/16/2008 02:10:43Re:RumoursForum Games587665
12/16/2008 00:51:16Re:RumoursForum Games587665
12/15/2008 22:14:16Re:RumoursForum Games587665
12/15/2008 21:23:39Re:RumoursForum Games587665
12/15/2008 20:34:55Re:RumoursForum Games587665
12/15/2008 07:14:08Re:RumoursForum Games587665




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