Voracious Profile Page

About Me

Hi there all,

I've been a fan and an avid follower of Dokuga since the past 7 yrs (usually hooking up to the site atleast 3 times a day) but, never had a profile here :P. I know that doesn't sound very good but ah, well life was like that.

I finally did create a profile here since some of the dokugans disabled anonymous viewing of their fiction works. :)

Some Random Info about me :

  • I love animes and manga. I fell in love with my first ever anime that was Fushigi Yuugi.
  • English is not my native language (though I do favor it a lot). Hence, many a times I don't get many of the phrases or lingos other people are familiar with.
  • I'm an asian (intentionally generalizing that, for now).
  • One of my all time fav female characters is Yoruichi from Bleach, Miaka from Fushigi Yuugi, Kagome from IY and Ahiru from Princess Tu Tu (love Yoruichi the best though ^_^ !)
  • I'm in my late twenties.
  • I love sketching, writing poetry and reading. The first two I'm not in touch with anymore but I do miss them. Very much. But, most of all, I love reading hence, the name Voracious Reader. :)
  • I would love to make friends on Dokuga, there's something to having unseen, unknown friends who share the same interests as you and many a times can understand where you're coming from.
  • I like correcting misspelled words, grammatical errors and misunderstood words like quite/quiet, their/there etc.
  • Often times I'm lazy, occupied in thoughts that are hazy i.e. space out a lot, got split personalities, love being the devil's advocate and greedy (when its about reading => Voracious).
  • I'm not going to write any fanfics here, too much of a lazy bum to do that when I can have all the fics I want in the world to feast my eyes on. Well, its more like I'm not good at consistently delivering glorious works of art, I'm only good for one time wonders. :)

Thats all for now, I'll keep updating this page as and when some more info pops up in my head about myself.

Till then ja ne !

{jcomments on}


User Status

12 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago


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Voracious has 0 stories

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 65

Simple is beautiful
Love Grows (Cover)
To Trust Again
Kagome and Kikyo Sisters Forever Challenge Banner
Golden Wings
Sunset Blur
KaoruHana Dokugasona
Lady of the North
Shatter Me
Green Sesshomaru
Blue Kagome
Fear Fluffy Sesshomaru
Meet his fluff
SessKag: Fireflies
bride of the beast
  • bride of the beast
  • Author: aiko
  • Category: Fanart
The Clingy One...
<< Start < Prev [1] 2 3 4 Next > End >>


Name Entry

Created On: 06/27/2014 22:38:22

Thanks for the review in my fanart :3
Feedback from Voracious: You are very much welcome dear. Your fanarts never fail to make me feel all fuzzy and warm inside. ^_^

Luna C.

Created On: 08/28/2013 15:20:39

Thank you for your review on The One!
Feedback from Voracious: Sorry for the delay. And you're welcome! Can't wait for Kagome and Sesshou's meeting

LM Bluejay

Created On: 08/14/2013 15:58:10

Your request for mercy has been considered. This one shall have the next installment up by the end of the night. Lol

Thanks for reading and reviewing! Updates are sporadic but I'll try to do them once a day.
Feedback from Voracious: ohh! Thnx for being such a 'sooper' sweetheart!

Lady Kirara

Created On: 03/21/2013 00:57:17

Sorry to only now be getting back to you, but I wanted to thank you for the review you left on Hopeless Insanity. I'm glad you're enjoying.


Created On: 02/21/2013 09:10:57

Thanks for your review on Just Imagine. That title is the same, but you're right, it was posted on Dokuga before. No real changes to the story other than grammar and things like that. I hope you keep enjoying it :]
Feedback from Voracious: Ah! thank you for confirming that. And I do love the story very much. Looking forward to the updates.



Created On: 02/03/2013 20:03:53

Thank you for taking the time to read and review my story! I'm glad you liked the realistic theme I was going for, and I hope you'll find Sesshomaru's transformation/repentance fairly in character Thanks for the inconsistency note- I did write that chapter weeks after the original ones, so I'll go back and edit out that sentence.

Thank you for your input, it's been helping my writing tremendously to get feedback
Feedback from Voracious: You are welcome dear and I'll be happy provide any helpful input whenever I can.

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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