What Could of Been

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The trio left the field, the scent of sakura blossoms filling their noses. InuYasha walked beside his older brother, occasionally glancing at the silent inu youkai. Those frozen gold eyes surveyed the sky in a bored fashion. The little hanyou frowned. He wished he was like Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru was a full demon and very powerful - so powerful that already he was being trained by their Father to become the next daiyoukai.
His yellow eyes losing the glisten they once held from happiness, the half-breed looked down at his feet morosely. He was a hanyou and would never be as strong or respected like Sesshoumaru. Even his half-brother barely tolerated him and that was only because their Father forced him too. Usually Sesshoumaru ignored InuYasha which both hurt and infuriated the young boy.
'One day... one day I will find a way to become a great youkai and then Sesshoumaru will have to recognize me.' He promised mentally.
Suddenly, a heavy hand grasped the top of his head. Blinking, InuYasha looked up to see his Father smiling down at him gently. InuYasha scowled and tried to swat away the offending grasp.
"Why do you always do that to me but not Sesshoumaru?" He demanded, his little face showing his frustration.
The daiyoukai's smile widened and he chuckled.
"When he was your age I did the same to Sesshoumaru, InuYasha." The Western Lord replied contently.
InuYasha's furious glare widened to one of surprise. He looked at Sesshoumaru. He could not see his older brother ever allowing anyone, not even their Father, to touch him.
All the while Sesshoumaru looked to the right, an odd feeling tugging at his senses. The decrepit well that sat in the midst of the cherry blossom trees seemed to demand his attention. The young daiyoukai-to-be scrutinized it from the corner of his eye coolly. He had a vague premonition that well would change everything one day.
So this is what could of been if InuPapa hadn't died and Sess and Inu could be real brothers! I wrote the little passage to go with the story. This is of course a REALLY mess sketch but it'll be redrawn and cleaned up soon. I'm drawing things more detailed and trying to add backgrounds and more depth to my pics to show my capabilities. I don't think its perfect since the poses and everything was drawn from my head with out any sources but it is okay for now ^^
His yellow eyes losing the glisten they once held from happiness, the half-breed looked down at his feet morosely. He was a hanyou and would never be as strong or respected like Sesshoumaru. Even his half-brother barely tolerated him and that was only because their Father forced him too. Usually Sesshoumaru ignored InuYasha which both hurt and infuriated the young boy.
'One day... one day I will find a way to become a great youkai and then Sesshoumaru will have to recognize me.' He promised mentally.
Suddenly, a heavy hand grasped the top of his head. Blinking, InuYasha looked up to see his Father smiling down at him gently. InuYasha scowled and tried to swat away the offending grasp.
"Why do you always do that to me but not Sesshoumaru?" He demanded, his little face showing his frustration.
The daiyoukai's smile widened and he chuckled.
"When he was your age I did the same to Sesshoumaru, InuYasha." The Western Lord replied contently.
InuYasha's furious glare widened to one of surprise. He looked at Sesshoumaru. He could not see his older brother ever allowing anyone, not even their Father, to touch him.
All the while Sesshoumaru looked to the right, an odd feeling tugging at his senses. The decrepit well that sat in the midst of the cherry blossom trees seemed to demand his attention. The young daiyoukai-to-be scrutinized it from the corner of his eye coolly. He had a vague premonition that well would change everything one day.
So this is what could of been if InuPapa hadn't died and Sess and Inu could be real brothers! I wrote the little passage to go with the story. This is of course a REALLY mess sketch but it'll be redrawn and cleaned up soon. I'm drawing things more detailed and trying to add backgrounds and more depth to my pics to show my capabilities. I don't think its perfect since the poses and everything was drawn from my head with out any sources but it is okay for now ^^
08.08.2013 01:13:47
I couldn't stop awing!