The Girl With The Raven Wings

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' She closed her eyes, fighting against the threatening tears. Why did it happen to her? She was just like her other clan members. So why was it her that ended up in this lab?
Blue orbs opened to glance at the IV a mere three feet away. Two weeks ago she would have fought back, would have used her legs to rip the needle from her arm but now- after seven weeks of captivity-she couldn't even muster up the strength to glare at it.
A door to her right clicked open and close. The clack of shoes hitting the marble floors rang through her head. Were they back to hurt her more? They had already torn her wings off in a experiment and said they wanted to learn more about her ear feathers.
Fear rang through her veins when the shoes stopped clacking. Long talon tipped fingers tipped her head back for a second and for once she didn't fear the man standing before her.
"What have they done to you, Kagome?" the tears she had been holding back fell down her cheeks as she gazed into sun kissed eyes lined by maroon dashes.
"S-Sesshomaru..." Kagome croaked. His fingers let her head fall back as the silver winged male almost ran to the control panel.
"I'm going to get you out of this, Kagome. Trust me." '
Yeah...I know I should focus on The Western Breeding but this popped up and i will eventually follow this up with a fanfic.
I did make this into a oneshot!
Blue orbs opened to glance at the IV a mere three feet away. Two weeks ago she would have fought back, would have used her legs to rip the needle from her arm but now- after seven weeks of captivity-she couldn't even muster up the strength to glare at it.
A door to her right clicked open and close. The clack of shoes hitting the marble floors rang through her head. Were they back to hurt her more? They had already torn her wings off in a experiment and said they wanted to learn more about her ear feathers.
Fear rang through her veins when the shoes stopped clacking. Long talon tipped fingers tipped her head back for a second and for once she didn't fear the man standing before her.
"What have they done to you, Kagome?" the tears she had been holding back fell down her cheeks as she gazed into sun kissed eyes lined by maroon dashes.
"S-Sesshomaru..." Kagome croaked. His fingers let her head fall back as the silver winged male almost ran to the control panel.
"I'm going to get you out of this, Kagome. Trust me." '
Yeah...I know I should focus on The Western Breeding but this popped up and i will eventually follow this up with a fanfic.
I did make this into a oneshot!
27.04.2013 21:18:06