Kagome - Goddess of Motherhood

Picture information
Isis - The Goddess of Motherhood, Magic and Fertility
Sister of Nephthys (Kikyo) - Together, they are protectors of the mummy and are paired with the funerary rites. Isis represents rebirth, while Nephthys represents death.
Wife of Osiris - Osiris (Sesshomaru) was murdered by his brother, Set (Inuyasha). Isis found his casket in the banks of the Nile River, only to find that she was too late and that Osiris was already dead. Using a spell she learned from her father, she brought back her husband and had him impregnate her, only to have him die once more. She hid his body in the sand, only to discover him once more while walking with their son, Horus (Shippo). She found the body parts of her deceased husband, and bound them together for a proper funeral. The Gods, so impressed by her devotion to Osiris, brought him back to life and made him the God of the Underworld.
She was the friend of everyone - from slave to sinner. She was a kind and gently woman, and was regarded as the protector of dead and the Goddess of Children.
There! I've finished my first Inuyasha Egyptian figure! I've portrayed Kagome as Isis. Hope you all enjoy!
I've also got a coloring page of her, if you'd like to color it.
Sister of Nephthys (Kikyo) - Together, they are protectors of the mummy and are paired with the funerary rites. Isis represents rebirth, while Nephthys represents death.
Wife of Osiris - Osiris (Sesshomaru) was murdered by his brother, Set (Inuyasha). Isis found his casket in the banks of the Nile River, only to find that she was too late and that Osiris was already dead. Using a spell she learned from her father, she brought back her husband and had him impregnate her, only to have him die once more. She hid his body in the sand, only to discover him once more while walking with their son, Horus (Shippo). She found the body parts of her deceased husband, and bound them together for a proper funeral. The Gods, so impressed by her devotion to Osiris, brought him back to life and made him the God of the Underworld.
She was the friend of everyone - from slave to sinner. She was a kind and gently woman, and was regarded as the protector of dead and the Goddess of Children.
There! I've finished my first Inuyasha Egyptian figure! I've portrayed Kagome as Isis. Hope you all enjoy!
I've also got a coloring page of her, if you'd like to color it.
21.02.2013 19:46:51