waking up in vegas
Picture information
: edit : so the wonderful Duchess Of Darkness has started a fan fic on this picture... can we say omg heck yes!! and its amazing so far!! you guys should check it out! http://www.dokuga.com/fanfiction/story/5113/1
this is what happens when i listen to too much katy perry XD i had waking up in vegas on repeat the whole time i drew this buwahaha, the dots on kagome's cheek are suppose to be sequins sooo pretend that they actually look like it lol hope you guys like it!! :D
this is what happens when i listen to too much katy perry XD i had waking up in vegas on repeat the whole time i drew this buwahaha, the dots on kagome's cheek are suppose to be sequins sooo pretend that they actually look like it lol hope you guys like it!! :D
16.01.2011 03:20:36
I was thinking the SAME thing. lol This pic is hilarity at it's best!
i completely agree with u on that hun, he sex on legs that one is...yum!