Earth support and strength is thy name
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Within seconds, she felt something brush against her—choosing to divert her attention and stop her tears she looked down to the source. Her eyes widened in surprise as flowers began to bloom around her, and vines brushed around her in what she could only describe a comforting manner.
It had been several days since her encounter with the tree. Kagome watched in fascination as an iris grew, its leaves swiping away the tears gently.
Kagome from fanfic They Were to be Mated, by me.
1 of 5 in Series
Within seconds, she felt something brush against her—choosing to divert her attention and stop her tears she looked down to the source. Her eyes widened in surprise as flowers began to bloom around her, and vines brushed around her in what she could only describe a comforting manner.
It had been several days since her encounter with the tree. Kagome watched in fascination as an iris grew, its leaves swiping away the tears gently.
Kagome from fanfic They Were to be Mated, by me.
1 of 5 in Series
23.01.2010 00:13:38
wat im saying