Eyebleach Warning!!!!!! - The Jakenator 3000
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Click it get the FULL DETAIL, you know you want to! DO IT!!!! CLICK TO ENLARGE!!!! Bwahahahaha
This is for MontiK’s EYEBLEACH! Challenge.
Credit and love given to Tenchi no mai, Sugar0o and XxUnknownXxXEntityxX for the help they gave me on this during chat! This includes product names, proof reading and bad puns. Thanks! And to my hubby who critiqued my work and coloring. This is why I love you!
Well, here is the product of my labor, blood, sweat, tears and much eye gouging. The Jakenator 3000.
I hope will induce screams of pain, but I will settle for peels of uncontrollable laughter.
My favorite part of the pic is the happy little old guy head of the Staff Of Two Heads. He just looks so happies! :3 And the pleasure settings, it made me giggle.
Enjoy……. And eye bleach responsibly.
Fun fact! Yay, I finally get to click the "Adult Content" box! Ka'plah!
This is for MontiK’s EYEBLEACH! Challenge.
Credit and love given to Tenchi no mai, Sugar0o and XxUnknownXxXEntityxX for the help they gave me on this during chat! This includes product names, proof reading and bad puns. Thanks! And to my hubby who critiqued my work and coloring. This is why I love you!
Well, here is the product of my labor, blood, sweat, tears and much eye gouging. The Jakenator 3000.
I hope will induce screams of pain, but I will settle for peels of uncontrollable laughter.
My favorite part of the pic is the happy little old guy head of the Staff Of Two Heads. He just looks so happies! :3 And the pleasure settings, it made me giggle.
Enjoy……. And eye bleach responsibly.
Fun fact! Yay, I finally get to click the "Adult Content" box! Ka'plah!
30.11.2009 18:36:30
Thats what I did too and nice job!
Its great Phishy!!
U are mos welcome for the help!!
you can't see me smiling and laughing, but I am....
oh my
my brain just went into overdrive. There should be a line of these. You nxt picture should be the Ah-Uh version
::lmao: OMG TOO FUNNY Really good detail..... love the fact you used the "two heads are better then one "
I am soo happy I made Eye bleach first :puts Up Signs: EYE BEACH FOR SALE!!
Great job on the art work... for you free Eye bleach