Sketch Dump - chat
Picture information
When in chat, conversations tends to give me doodle/drawble fodder. Here is page one of my chat sketch dump.
I do not own Inuyasha, Labyrinth, The Princess Bride or Cats.
Now with the disclaimers out of the way……
Sesshoumaru (Jareth), Jaken (attacked by a chicken), Inuyasha (Vizzini), Miroku (Inigo Montoya), Jinenji (Fezzik), Kagome (random cat dancer) and Kikyo (Grizabella)... Thanks to them for letting me put them in silly outfits! I love them for that
~~~~~Dance Magic Crotch, Dance!~~~~~~~
I do not own Inuyasha, Labyrinth, The Princess Bride or Cats.
Now with the disclaimers out of the way……
Sesshoumaru (Jareth), Jaken (attacked by a chicken), Inuyasha (Vizzini), Miroku (Inigo Montoya), Jinenji (Fezzik), Kagome (random cat dancer) and Kikyo (Grizabella)... Thanks to them for letting me put them in silly outfits! I love them for that
~~~~~Dance Magic Crotch, Dance!~~~~~~~
13.11.2009 20:46:51
Awe! Thankies!! Much live for the comment! Glad I could make your year, cause you made mine!
hmm, maybe that's what jaken actually is