YES YES!!! sesshomaru got bested
tonya (Chapter 13) - Sun 22 Feb 2015
you rock! great chapter
More, keep it coming.
oh i cant wait to read more i hope kagome wins and wins good
More, keep it coming.
Ree-san (Chapter 12) - Thu 19 Feb 2015
I'm not clear on how Sesshoumaru would get in her way? And if he would, why would Koga be welcome? How will Sesshoumaru feel if and when he catches up to her that she didn't want him around but is ok with another male being there?
please please more soon i am wondering if some one will send words to the west and to kags'd dad
Is it just me or do the descriptions of the three god sound like Kikyo Sango and Miroku?
tonya (Chapter 11) - Tue 17 Feb 2015
great chapter
Oooh exciting eh? :3 keep it coming the chapters are great! :3 <3
Poor Kagome, keep it coming.
oh thats harsh i get the feeling she will not be found so easily
oh thats harsh i get the feeling she will not be found so easily
Great story, keep it coming. Happy Valentine's Day!
This is an awesome story! I look forward to seeing where this goes!
tonya (Chapter 10) - Fri 13 Feb 2015
That bitch kisa, say bye bye! Lol, ofcourse kagome is the winner in battle and also in sesshy's heart
tonya (Chapter 9) - Mon 09 Feb 2015
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