You've done an excellent job of capturing both Kagome and Sesshoumaru's personalities. It's refreshing not to have a high powered Kagome in this storyline. The title is confusing, but insure it will make more sense as the story developes.
I really like the fact that you've got Kags so very afraid of Sess. A lot of people make her too stupid to think of self preservation, and for some reason he never kills her in those stories. But in this one she's smart enough to know that he's a cold blooded killer.
You write really well. I don't think I saw any typos. And the flow of the story is very smooth. I look forward to reading more.
xDori (Chapter 3) - Sun 16 Nov 2014
Awesome! I wonder what kind of debt she will owe him. Update soon!
I like it, I shall read more...but there isnt should add more. Need more chapters. Update soon
O_O Loving it. Hope there's more soon.
Can't wait to see exactly what he wants from her. I wonder how long it will be before inuyasha wakes up? Looking forward to the next chapter keep up the good work.
Interseting. Can't wait to read more.
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