Really good update. I love how InuYasha got her to go home without her realizing it. Not to mention the calm way he got her to agree to stay. I wonder how Sesshoumaru will act if this continues. If she constantly avoids going to meet him, will he go looking for her? Will he follow her? Those are the questions I can't wait to read the answers to.
Hope you update soon.:)
Hyliana (Chapter 5) - Sat 20 Dec 2014
Ahhh haha! The markers all over the face!
Oh dear, she made such a close comparison between the two brothers, of course he took it badly.
Hyliana (Chapter 5) - Sat 20 Dec 2014
Ahhh haha! The markers all over the face!
Oh dear, she made such a close comparison between the two brothers, of course he took it badly.
Hyliana (Chapter 5) - Sat 20 Dec 2014
Ahhh haha! The markers all over the face!
Oh dear, she made such a close comparison between the two brothers, of course he took it badly.
Hyliana (Chapter 5) - Sat 20 Dec 2014
Ahhh haha! The markers all over the face!
Oh dear, she made such a close comparison between the two brothers, of course he took it badly.
Hyliana (Chapter 5) - Sat 20 Dec 2014
Ahhh haha! The markers all over the face!
Oh dear, she made such a close comparison between the two brothers, of course he took it badly.
Hyliana (Chapter 5) - Sat 20 Dec 2014
Ahhh haha! The markers all over the face!
Oh dear, she made such a close comparison between the two brothers, of course he took it badly.
Hyliana (Chapter 4) - Sat 20 Dec 2014
Lol, Rin on a sugar high, that was so sweet, them playing in the field together. I really like reading these moments. Too bad she failed this may test again.
I think inuyasha truly suspects something now, But he's waiting to see. How odd, showing careful forethought before acting out brashly like so many liketo portray him to do. He actually is an intelligent creature, so many like to ignore that as they write about him. I hope i can become a better writer myself.
You have done very well, far better than what i could hope to do. You're so patient, never rushing ahead of things, i love this! You are fantastic!
Hyliana (Chapter 3) - Sat 20 Dec 2014
Oh, now inuyasha suspects his brother, or is starting to anyways. Haha, "as it's Sesshoumaru would want to look at you. .."
Hyliana (Chapter 2) - Sat 20 Dec 2014
Wow, Kagome was brave, i love her unending strength of spirit! He actually saved his brother, that is awesome!
Hyliana (Chapter 1) - Sat 20 Dec 2014
This has been an intensely fabulous read and i really enjoy getting to explore and soak up this story you're writing. Wow! This is good!
Hasunohana (Chapter 5) - Tue 16 Dec 2014
So great ! Sesshoumaru is well described. Kagome is right to fear him still.
Koi (Chapter 5) - Tue 16 Dec 2014
This quite an interesting story! I usually don't read T rated stories but your summary of this fic really dragged me in and I have to say I absolutely love hwo this story is starting off! I can't believe Kagome thought that Sesshy wouldn't be pissed with her comparing him to Inuyasha....Smh
(-_-) What a big no no Kagome! I can't until next chapter! Please update sooon! lol
Loveyaa (Chapter 5) - Mon 15 Dec 2014 intersting story. I am just waiting to see how your synopsis will come into play. Sesshoumaru will def need to loosen up before then. Poor Kagome. I wonder if she will put up with it for much longer for Rin. I can't wait to see what happens next :)
Love it I want more!!
Boy what a jerk! He acts like he is ignoring her and now all of a sudden he tries killing her? Wonder what crawled up his butt and died. I wonder when inuyasha is going to finally find out about her meetings with sesshomaru?
I like your story. I like how you are developing a bond between Rin and Kagome, that is creating an indirect link to Sesshomaru. Your story is a joy to read.
Eva (Chapter 4) - Sun 30 Nov 2014
I agree that it's good to see a smart Kagome acknowledge that Sessshoumaru is not a man, nor is he human, but a Demon. It's also interesting to see how the swim suit is a device to illustrate their vastly different values. They are so far apart, short story blurb you offered seems surprising. I'm looking forward to a long journey getting from the present tense and awkward relationship to anything that could result in a child and not major bodily harm or death.
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