Ooo, I wonders if someone wants to draw Sesshomaru... hmm...
It's so cute!!!
Like it, keep it coming.
Sesshomaru's sleeping face....
*stares off into the distance at the thought*
Aw, he saved the books for her. Can't wait for the next update.
Enjoying this story. Can't wait for the next update!
You don't mess with Sesshomaru's woman.
(even if the woman herself doesn't know it yet)
((You're own ignorance doesn't excuse you either))
It's cue for 'AWWWWWWW'. Sesshoumaru is a perfect epitome of tsundere ahahahahha I just realized this!
Anyway, I wonder where the hell Rin is? She is alive and well, right? Or could it be that she is somewhere else, probably at Kaede's? I miss that child!
Takashi already has blackmail stuffs for the future, fufufufufufu
Hnn... I side with you, Takashi.
I was ready to shake some senses to Kagome so that she STOPS questioning herself... and her power, that is, until Sesshoumaru's voice saves the day LALALALALLA I'm so happy!
Sorry, but I just went AHAHAHAHAHAHHAA at her last thought *wheezes* *clears her throat* Ah well, now that I calm down... I CANNOT wait for Sesshoumaru's appearance so I should click the next then!
Cool, keep it coming.
Oh Kagome, u r too slow sometimes.... and Sesshy to proud to even admit he cares. I can't wait for more of this.....this has literally become my new addiction!!! Please update soon (like tomorrow :-))
*hides face under pillow*
She has no rest whatsoever. Poor little thing.
nice twist with Takashi's parents.
marisel (Chapter 5) - Fri 25 Apr 2014
like it a lot. two handsome demons dreamy how much power kat will show to defeat a reaper??? Can wait for next chapter
Kyaa!!!! So awesomes!!
Nice, keep it coming.
Yay! Quick updates :D Wonder what takashi's gonna do~
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