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Ankita (Chapter 30) - Fri 08 Aug 2014

Kagome is acting stupidly .... poor sessho he was doing just what the tradition demanded

chevonne knowles (Chapter 30) - Fri 08 Aug 2014

her reaction is wrong. someeone raised the way she is would not act that way. it would be different if she were from the US. know mater how modern Japan is still very mindfull of  its  old ways. it just shows her childishness. 

good chapter. wonderful story. i dont like kagome much right now. if she wants do audlt things she needs to act like one.  

Aryos (Chapter 30) - Thu 07 Aug 2014

Gahhh! I can smack Houjo silly. He can't take a hint!

Kagome's  temper is about to rear it's ugly head. If only she should stop and think for a minute. 

Haha...grandpa makes me laugh. he is funny as heck. 

Can't wait to see the tongue lashing Kagome is going to give Sesh. Thanks for another great chapter.

maricela (Chapter 30) - Thu 07 Aug 2014

the update was great thank you.

Aryos (Chapter 29) - Sat 02 Aug 2014

Oh my! I can't believe I have caught up with all the chapters. :( I tried to read as slow as I could to make the chapters last longer but at last here I am waiting....well more like chomping at the bits for the next chapter.

I hope Kag's answer is yes! 

Thank you for writing such a beautiful story.

Aryos (Chapter 27) - Sat 02 Aug 2014

I love Your version of Kimi! Most stories make her out to be the evil one. It is refreshing to see her so strong yet so supportive of Kag! 

Aryos (Chapter 23) - Thu 31 Jul 2014

Oh my, these lasdecouple of chapters were so sad and horrific. Myheart goes out to Ko. Ryukostokken needs to die many deaths. 

you did an fantastic job with theses chapters. I felt Kagome's and Ko's suffering and it was all I could do to keep reading. True to her nature Kagome found a friPippin the most unlikely of places. That's my girl! 

The end of this chapter was soooo sweet! Sessh and Kag together again. I really love how he healed her with his youkai. Very interesting. 

Aryos (Chapter 18) - Fri 25 Jul 2014

Such an exciting chapter! I love all the new characters you've brought into this chapter. The kids are so cute...especially Emi and Nankae (he calls her cute!). Jaken made me laughed. pictured him just like that.


I can't believe Jun is a spy too....didn't think he would betray Sess. Can't wait to read what his story is.

Aryos (Chapter 14) - Fri 25 Jul 2014

Love this chapter! Kagome broke their code...hahaha. I can picture hisao's stunned expression. As usual, you pull out readers into the story.

The interactions between Sess and kag is so sweet! Love it

Aryos (Chapter 10) - Thu 24 Jul 2014

Absolutely loving my second read! This is such a great are so talented. Your description the castle and court life is amazing. I find myself devouring every word greedily. I really enjoy youtake. Sess and Kagome and their developifee attractio to each other. 


This is definitely a page turner....or more like chapter turner. Hehe. 


Aryos (Chapter 5) - Thu 24 Jul 2014

I love these last couple of chapters. Yare are so descriptive...from the castle to the social order of court at the western palace. it is interesting to read your take on the the court function. 

Aryos (Chapter 3) - Wed 23 Jul 2014

You made this story so enjoyable my finger just want to click to the next chapter. Beverly well written and I love your portrayal of Sesshomaru. He is exactly how I have him in my mind. Also very interesting plot using the pox as the possible reason for youkai extinction in the future.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 29) - Wed 23 Jul 2014

I wonder what Kagome will say, keep it coming.

Aryos (Chapter 1) - Wed 23 Jul 2014

I've read this a while ago and love your story so much, I made it one of my favorites. I thought I left some reviews but I didn't see any and for that I apologize. This story deserves a review from all the readers. The story is amazing. fact I am reading it again so I can refresh my memory catch up on the new chapters.

You are very talented and i hope you continue to share your work. I was hooked after the first chapter.

Ana (Chapter 29) - Wed 23 Jul 2014

I wonder what Kagome will say :3

Thank you for the update! <3 

Nicole (Chapter 29) - Wed 23 Jul 2014

Inuyasha made me laugh this chapter: first his musings on the courtship, and then flailing while faced with Mama Higurashi. I almost felt sorry for him, but he did a good job in the end... and offered Sesshomaru some good advice to boot!

chevonne knowles (Chapter 29) - Wed 23 Jul 2014

you know  this is a really good story. I have waited just to get to another chapter. If Kagome throws his gift back in his face then she doesn't deserve him. She lives on a shrine and she still is Japanese. She and her family would know all about tradition. I don't care if she's from the future it would be different if she was American. She should happily accept whatever is given. This notion of Kagome not knowing what went on and the past is kinda sad to me. I hope you write her response with maturity and a good dose of common sense. I so do love how this story is flowing. I look forward to the next exciting installment.

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 29) - Wed 23 Jul 2014

Ah!  Can't wait to see how Kags handles Sesshoumaru's 'bride price.'  Should prove interesting, at the very least, given your skill at tweaking all these plot twists!! ;)  And Kimi - I ADORE how you've portrayed the Lady Mother... just as I imagined from watching the anime and reading some of the manga.  As always, thank you so much for sharing your hard work with all of us!!



Lazurite (Chapter 29) - Wed 23 Jul 2014

I wonder what she said, or didn't say, that made her think it was Inuyasha. I would think that would be a hard thing to explain with just pronouns... well Japanese doesn't actually have pronouns the same way as in English so who knows...

Lazurite (Chapter 28) - Wed 23 Jul 2014

Shoulda kissed him before the bath... Wow...

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