Reviews for The Snow Angel by SunsetMiko

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Alexandra (Chapter 100) - Fri 07 Jun 2013

great chapter as always and i'm glad that kagome figured out sesshoumaru's secret and will be interesting seeing the affects!! can't wait for more updates and also look forward to read what Totosai has crafted for Kagome!! Keep up the good work and good luck!! Look forward for more from you!

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 100) - Thu 06 Jun 2013

All five chapters are great, keep it coming.

TKE (Chapter 100) - Thu 06 Jun 2013

Yah, here comes the

Phyllis (Chapter 100) - Thu 06 Jun 2013

Loved the last line so much, and Sesshomaru smiliing?  WONDERFUL.  You have no idea how much I LOVE this story!

NicoRavenPen (Chapter 100) - Thu 06 Jun 2013

~~Haha! XD I LOVE that Kagome knows what's going on! And I seriously cannot wait to see how this pans out! ^___^

Ravijnem36 (Chapter 100) - Thu 06 Jun 2013

Oh, the general is very funny, though I saw a picture of sessh having a jolly laugh and it freaked me out. Love the chapter!

Ravijnem36 (Chapter 99) - Thu 06 Jun 2013

Just how much wider can totosai's eyes get..., never mind they may fall out. Great updates!


Phyllis (Chapter 98) - Thu 06 Jun 2013

Yes, something HAS definitely changed.  I have a feeling Sesshomaru will be very happy when he returns.  Thanks for the update!

KEdakumi (Chapter 100) - Thu 06 Jun 2013

Love it!  Wonder what InuMama is going to try now.  Can't wait for more!

LittleRin (Chapter 100) - Thu 06 Jun 2013

LOL  I love the end of the 100th chapter. Perfect. Look forward to seeing more soon. Pretty please?  

cassandra (Chapter 100) - Thu 06 Jun 2013

I can't wait to see what Sesshomaru is having made for Kagome and I can't wait to see his mothers reaction when she finds out that she will be replaced as the western lady.

tonya (Chapter 100) - Thu 06 Jun 2013

loved the updates! great job!

princess of the western lands (Chapter 97) - Thu 06 Jun 2013

I wonder, what sesshomaru is going to have made with all those items? Maybe a bow but then again there would be things leftover still. Could be a bow and a sword and a jewelry set. How long will Sesshomaru wait to tell kagome his secret? What will she think now that she knows? Will it free her from being scared to love Sesshomaru?


Update soon onegai


Ja Ne 

Eve (Chapter 97) - Thu 06 Jun 2013

Oh my dear you are amazing. Lol things are falling into play and writing is most gratifying to read as they go thru not being able to know what the other person is actually thinking.  I like that they struggle with their own thoughts.


keep up the great work! I still love that when I check for updates you have 2 to 3 chapters waiting for me

You Rock!

Darrakk (Chapter 87) - Thu 06 Jun 2013


Eliona (Chapter 97) - Thu 06 Jun 2013

The beans have been split and Sesshomaru doesn't even know if yet! YES!

Serena (Chapter 97) - Thu 06 Jun 2013

Oh maaaan, kagome knows! That's gunna complicate things when sessh finds out! :O but I hope this means kagome's going to be more trusting of his and her own feelings now.

cassandra (Chapter 97) - Wed 05 Jun 2013

Wow I can't believe she figured out his little secret and didn't flip out on him for not telling her. I wonder if she'll tell the others? What is the special thing Sesshomaru's having made from the stuff from the bags? I can't wait to find out!

Stella Mira (Chapter 97) - Wed 05 Jun 2013

HA! Busted! xD Poor Sess...sexually frustrated for no reason XP Just tell her the shall set you free; metaphorically and literally xD

Stella Mira (Chapter 96) - Wed 05 Jun 2013

Yeah, I...I...*speechless*

Here, boy *gives Sess cookie of consolation while patting his back*

Maybe next time, champ! xD

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