Reviews for The Snow Angel by SunsetMiko

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Kristen (Chapter 119) - Sat 15 Jun 2013

I am so flipping tired. I really just want to go to sleep, but I can't. I very much enjoy this story, and I really hope to see an update tomorrow!

TKE (Chapter 119) - Sat 15 Jun 2013

WOW....I need to fan myself now......

Eliona (Chapter 119) - Sat 15 Jun 2013

Romantic and hot <3

Phyllis (Chapter 119) - Sat 15 Jun 2013

Wonderful!!! Such a hot scene in the hotspring!!!

Stella Mira (Chapter 117) - Fri 14 Jun 2013

Ahahahahaha she arranged everyone's lives just like that XDD

Stella Mira (Chapter 116) - Fri 14 Jun 2013

Heee does that witch have a way to make Kagome immortal? I do wonder though...even if she knows a spell or potion or whatever wouldn't it be dark magic? Hm, I shall speculate until you reveal her plot XD

Stella Mira (Chapter 115) - Fri 14 Jun 2013

Aww cute! Shippo-chan is so cute here XD

Kristen (Chapter 117) - Fri 14 Jun 2013

Yay! Happiness for all! I just hope we can get some mating going on soon.

Kristen (Chapter 116) - Fri 14 Jun 2013

This bitch is crazy. Is she going to die now?

UnknownRandomness (Chapter 117) - Fri 14 Jun 2013

I am so sorry that I haven't left you a review on any of the 100+ chapters previously, but I just had to get through this! It's lovely and I adore it. Sesshoumaru's 'rebirth' and Inuyasha's jealousy are perfect. There are some brilliant one-liners; my favourite being Miroku telling Inuyasha that he would've drowned if Kagome had 'sat' him. XD The lemon chapters are pleasantly descriptive and I LOVE your portrayal of Shippo! It's one of the most entertaining I've ever read.  

Thank you so much for writing this and updating it so regularly!

Phyllis (Chapter 117) - Fri 14 Jun 2013

Beautiful updates!!!  

Alii (Chapter 117) - Fri 14 Jun 2013

Amazing please more!(:

TKE (Chapter 117) - Fri 14 Jun 2013

If only there were more Kagomes in the world.....

tonya (Chapter 117) - Fri 14 Jun 2013

excellent updates! i am addicted to this story!

Kristen (Chapter 114) - Thu 13 Jun 2013

I'm sure glad this isn't the end! But I'm also happy that that is over. Glad it happened that way instead of ending horribly.

Kristen (Chapter 113) - Thu 13 Jun 2013

Frick yes, I love these two!

Kristen (Chapter 111) - Thu 13 Jun 2013

Lucky me I've been too busy the past couple of days to read these, so the updates have just built up :D Less cliffhangers for me!

FayeMegan (Chapter 114) - Thu 13 Jun 2013

Hmm, not too bad of a cliffhanger... does not compute... xD 

Well, at least that part turned out the best way possible! Now, onto the palace!! =D

Eliona (Chapter 114) - Thu 13 Jun 2013

Yay! Alas the moment we have all been waiting for :D

TKE (Chapter 114) - Thu 13 Jun 2013 sweet!!!

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