Reviews for The Snow Angel by SunsetMiko

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Midian (Chapter 28) - Thu 09 May 2013

Thank you for regular updates.

Caera (Chapter 1) - Thu 09 May 2013

I love your story and the regular updates is awesome! Thank you so much for the very entertaining story..I

Deana (Chapter 28) - Thu 09 May 2013

You outdid yourself with this story. So good! Ican't wait to see how Sesshoumaru resolves the situation with Kagome. Can't wait for the next update.


insomniac_amy (Chapter 28) - Thu 09 May 2013

I wonder if Kagome will be mad at him when she finds out that he didn't tell her immediatly that he was Prince.

AnimeLady04 (Chapter 28) - Thu 09 May 2013

Poor Sesshomaru!
I can't wait until he opens up to her! ooooh I hope his mom and her concubine get tortured for what they did!

Phyllis (Chapter 28) - Thu 09 May 2013

Loved this chapter.  Sesshomaru seems so personable here, longing for Kags the way he is.  Update soon please!

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 28) - Thu 09 May 2013

All three chapters are great, keep it coming.

KEdakumi (Chapter 28) - Thu 09 May 2013

Poor Fluffy, for someone so proud, he sure has a bit of a complex.  Can't wait to see what happens next!

Phyllis (Chapter 27) - Thu 09 May 2013

What a great chapter!  I like Kagome's shock at Sesshomaru's use of her name.  Wait unti she knows the truth!

Phyllis (Chapter 26) - Thu 09 May 2013

Aw, it seems like Sesshomaru is unsure of himself, unsure of Kagome's reaction.  This is such a great story!!

Ravijnem36 (Chapter 28) - Thu 09 May 2013

loave tithe end of this chapter very nice, keep them coming.

Rosalynn (Chapter 25) - Thu 09 May 2013

OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!! I can't wait for an update!I wonder what Sesshomaru will do and how he will tell Kagome that he was 'Prince'.

Eve (Chapter 25) - Thu 09 May 2013

Yay another Chapter!!!!

I await the next to see what happens!

Great Story!!!!

criticat (Chapter 25) - Thu 09 May 2013

I wonder how he is going to approach Kagome now. Either way, with Inuyasha's reaction, it is bound to be entertaining :)

Angel's Wings (Chapter 25) - Thu 09 May 2013

Well, I love this story and I can't wait what happens to that conniving female who dared to commit such acrime against the rightful heir to the western lands. I mean what Tsukiko did not count for is fact that neither he nor the "lady" would be able to keep the lands safe if Sesshoumaru died. They would be challenged and lose. I can't wait what is going to happen to the traitor. His mom did deserve the slap he gave her and so much more. I mean, if it were not for Kagome he would be dead. She did not only find him, she cared enough to take him under her care, and to top it all, she has the knowledge to treat wounds properly. He would have died if not for that. So, I can't wait to see how he kicks the bitches ass.



Leahchan13 (Chapter 25) - Wed 08 May 2013

OMG I can't wait for more~!

Sy Sheer (Chapter 25) - Wed 08 May 2013

I don't blame Sesshomaru for his anger towards his mother.  If it hadn't been for Kagome's kindness and gentle nature he'd have died while his mother was 'busy with her own duties'.  I can't wait to see what happens next.  I get the feeling that if Kagome were to learn of who Prince is and what happened, that his mother would probably end up fearing Kagome more than Sesshomaru. Oh dare I hope that he plans on asking Kagome to destroy the barrier?  I think I will.  I can't wait to see what comes next!

Write Lots and Have Fun!  ~Sy

AnimeLady04 (Chapter 25) - Wed 08 May 2013

way to go Sesshomaru! Your mother should be banished for eternity for what she did. What kind of mother does that and she didn't even care that he was msising?!


Meh, I hope when Sesshomaru returns to his lands, he can kill the concubine! I wonder how long before he tells Kagome that he was the dog she cared for. I hope Kagome isn't too mad at Sango and Miroku.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 25) - Wed 08 May 2013

All four chapters are great, keep it coming.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 25) - Wed 08 May 2013

All four chapters are great, keep it coming.

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