Reviews for The Snow Angel by SunsetMiko

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Stella Mira (Chapter 54) - Sat 18 May 2013

WOO!! He finally made the declaration. Inu's reaction was hilarious in this chapter xDD Poor monk, you need to think of the consequences before you open your mouth lol

Stella Mira (Chapter 53) - Sat 18 May 2013

This is called mature acceptance...treasure the feeling, Inuyasha, and do something to support your friend and your brother since you're a bit responsible for the situation lol

Ravijnem36 (Chapter 54) - Sat 18 May 2013

Must read the sister chapter to this now, please have it up soon!!

tonya (Chapter 52) - Fri 17 May 2013

i am really loving this story!

cassandra (Chapter 52) - Fri 17 May 2013

Poor Kagome! I wish Sesshomaru would just tell her the truth already! If he waits too long and she finds out from someone else, she may wind up angry and hurt from him keeping it a secret. Update soon!

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 52) - Fri 17 May 2013

All three chapters are great, keep it coming.

Mrs_Sesshomaru (Chapter 52) - Fri 17 May 2013

*LMAO* at killing Inuyasha & making it look like an accident!! :-D *LOLOL* Freakin hilarious.  Sess better tell her soon, before he loses the option & she finds out another way.  Then he'll have to deal with her feeling betrayed & humiliated - especially if she finds out Yasha knew & kept it from her.  SMH get it together guys...

Awaiting the next update :-)

FayeMegan (Chapter 52) - Fri 17 May 2013

Eeee, so she is having feelings for him. I hope she doesn't go ballistic when she finds out the truth though!

InuLover (Chapter 6) - Fri 17 May 2013

Just had to say that, as with all your stories, this is already on my favorites list!!  Thank you, for another wonderful story to read.  :D

Stella Mira (Chapter 52) - Fri 17 May 2013

You should let go off that last, tiny thread of pride you're holding and just tell the girl the truth. Honesty always works miracle, Sess xDD

Stella Mira (Chapter 51) - Fri 17 May 2013

Awww, you'll never know if you won't try though, Kaggie. I always believed it was better to try and fail than live with regrets. Plus, I don't think this will end badly xDD

Allyonora (Chapter 52) - Fri 17 May 2013

Someone should explain to Sess that the love for a dog and the love for a person are suposed to be very different things... Guess he doesn't understand it because... well... He's a dog!

Stella Mira (Chapter 50) - Fri 17 May 2013

LOL Face it, Kags. The hot Lord wants you. Just give in xDD

NicoRavenPen (Chapter 52) - Fri 17 May 2013

~~Awwwwwww so bittersweet! XD I love this!

KEdakumi (Chapter 52) - Fri 17 May 2013

Awww... her friends shouldn't have said anything... yet.  Poor Kagome.... Poor Fluffy, nothing like a woman's tears to heap a little guilt on your shoulders.

tonya (Chapter 49) - Thu 16 May 2013

i am really loving this story!

TKE (Chapter 49) - Thu 16 May 2013

And now its gettin

FayeMegan (Chapter 49) - Thu 16 May 2013

"You're the fucking dog" lol, I love it. Sorry I havent reviewed for a while. It's hard to post from my phone sometimes! But I have been diligently reading. My iPhone is on crazy autocorrect for no reason mode right now! 

Mz Taisho Sama (Chapter 49) - Thu 16 May 2013

OMG...This last chapter just left me with a HUGE smile in my face, I adore the ways things are preogressing!. I hesitated a lil', but now I will def fav this story, great job!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please update soon!

WickedLittleGirl (Chapter 1) - Thu 16 May 2013

After a really shitty day at work today where I almost rage-quit, this update was something I really needed.  I love this story!

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