Reviews for Life After Loss by Chie

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Naoko Ichigo (Chapter 12) - Wed 09 Sep 2015

Poor Kagome! Just when she is fine the pain of the lost back again to her.

roberta. (Chapter 12) - Wed 09 Sep 2015

At lease sassy is good to her. Now if she only start being good to herself. Inu wouldn't want her lick this.

Didie (Chapter 12) - Wed 09 Sep 2015

Finally an update! And, finally her moment to grieving!

Koree (Chapter 11) - Mon 07 Sep 2015

Yikes what a jab that was at the end , great chap :)

roberta. (Chapter 11) - Fri 28 Aug 2015

Wow this whole story every chap was compiling.

Eroviaa Hunter (Chapter 11) - Mon 03 Aug 2015

Oh Kagome Kagome whatever shall you do. Will yyou let Sesshomeru's and thusly Inuyasha's line end with you? Will you ever face the fact that your mate is gone and you are a widow? Will you step up as the Lady of Sesshomeru's clan and support him, help him in ruling? Will you try to learn him? 


I have to say I am really enjoying this story. The story line is different from the other widowed Kagome stories. Hats off to Sesshomeru's character. I absolutely LOVE him. So nobel, honorable, very true to this character. His mother has a right to worry, he needs someone to look after him and care for them tenderly. It is obverious that he too is dealing with Inuyahsa's passing though it is a different pain that Kagomes. He is the last of his clan and he has no pack. He is a Dog! A dog with no pack is a misarble thing. I think some part og Kagome realizes that Sesshomeru is effected by his brother's passing but she doesnt acknowlege it because it makes it too real. The methopher Sesshomeru used to explain her grieft is so true. Choosing to not acknologde the death of her mate is akin to an injured animal vainly struggling in its trap. She needs to grieve not run away from he rmourning. Anyway your prose style is wonderful and I highly look forwards to seeing updates to this story. Keep up the good work!



Naoko Ichigo (Chapter 11) - Fri 31 Jul 2015

OMFG! Inuyasha died as a human, that is so sad and poor Kagome. They married for five years and now she lost everything (house, husband, love, etc)

Ohhh! Sesshomaru is so good person. I hope now Kagome feels better and overcome the death of Inuyasha.

Niomi (Chapter 11) - Thu 30 Jul 2015

Absolutely captivated by this story. Youve nailed everything down to the emotional process and their characters so perfectly. I cant wait to continue reading. You are great, please do not stop writing! :)

toni-lea (Chapter 11) - Wed 29 Jul 2015

I'm still trying to figure out what the last sentence means at the end of the last chapter. Now I'm left wanting more. I am absolutely enraptured by this story. Please update soon.

Eva (Chapter 11) - Tue 28 Jul 2015

I'm just now discovering this gem of of story. I really like that the relationship between Kagome and Sesshoumaru doesn't seem contrived. The weave of the plot is such a wonderful opportunity to explore the stages of grief.

For any who feel that Kagome should get over it and get on with the romancing, human hearts don't work that way. There are hundreds of other fanfics out there that trivialize such matters. Her new relationships, like her friendship with Lady Mother, will be so much stronger for her going through the process honestly.

I'm also intrigued by and appreciate the way you've set up Youkai society. It makes so much more sense for animal spirits much closer to nature. I always thought that youkai would be closer to native Americans in their views of land stewardship vs. ownership. I look forward to reading more.

Saiya (Chapter 11) - Tue 28 Jul 2015


AnimeLady04 (Chapter 11) - Mon 27 Jul 2015

Hmmmm wonder what that last statement meant.....could mean many different things. Could mean Sesshomaru would want many wives, is honorable, a strict and good many insinuations.

Though I think, even though Sesshomaru and Kagome mated for traditional reasons, I think perhaps, between sharing emotions and growing together and healing from their grief, they will bond closer than ever. I also do not see Sesshomaru adding any other mates because he could have mated the one his mother picked out (or choosen one himself) yet he did not. Instead, he honored tradition when he obviously did not have too, in order to avoid being mated to the one his mother picked out. Kagome also has the head servant (it seems so far) and Sesshomaru's mother's approval which I think goes a long way.

I see the glimpses of grief and mourning waiting for Kagome's guard to go down and overwhelm her, and I am amazed at her inner strength to keep going and push off the grief until she is emotionally stronger and able to handle it. But, will she truly understand when she IS ready to deal with the grief? or will she be forced to endure it because she does not wish to actually go through the mourning phase?

Ankita (Chapter 11) - Mon 27 Jul 2015

I wonder what akie chan was trying to tell kago in the end @_@ ?_? May be sessho will fall in love with her ?_? Idk hope you'll update soon <3

AnimeLady04 (Chapter 10) - Wed 15 Jul 2015

I'm glad Sesshomaru si not resenting Kagome, it's not like she asked for any of this or asked to be choosen by the sword either. But you know, grief affects each being differently. Some people, like Chiyo, will express their grief and slwoly heal and move on from the hurt. Others, takes time for it to truly hit and for them to grieve. I've been hit personally with many different deaths - a friend, immediate family members, distant family members I was still close too...and each of their deaths affected me differently. My friend that died, I was very close too and deeply cared for him. It took me over a year before I could think of him without pain and crying. How much would a mate, a husband affect Kagome?

I understand it when Kagome talked about how everyone says they understand but they truly do not until they too experience the loss as well. Part of you gets angry that they just say such meaningless words, but the other part of you knows they are just trying to help. I think Kagome is much stronger than she thinks she is and she will overcome this grief, it will just take time to heal. With Sesshomaru assisting her, taking some of the pain from her and just letting her be as she is, helps a lot. I think he shows a lot of maturity and wisdom in this even though he's never lost a mate.

But I do worry about Sesshomaru. He doesn't seem to have grieved over his brothers loss either. His clan is small, and his family, his pack just grew smaller. As Seshomaru thought, he had time to truly reconcile with Inuyasha but now that time is gone. I'm sure he feels guilty for not trying harder to reconcile with Inuyasha and have time to "make up" for the pain and suffering he cased Inu. I'm sure Sesshomaru has been concentrating on helping Kagome, but he too must feel the anger, bitterness, guilt, and grief from losing a close family member not to mention someone he considered pack.

I'm truly enjoying your story and cannot wait for the update!

Kitsune Diva (Chapter 10) - Thu 02 Jul 2015

I love your story.  I think that you depict grief in a realistic way. I like that you are allowing Kagome to fully go through her grieving process instead of hurrying her toward new love. It was a good decision to allow Kagome to find common ground and a little solace with Chiyo-Hime. I look forward to reading more.

Lazurite (Chapter 10) - Fri 22 May 2015

I thought she might have a bit of a breakdown after that.

Lazurite (Chapter 9) - Fri 22 May 2015

Is it really safe for her to leave the castle with her powers bound? What if they are separated?

Ankita (Chapter 10) - Sat 09 May 2015
Haha maybe she just wants sessho to say he will protect her :P

Nicole (Chapter 10) - Fri 08 May 2015

The ambush scene was very well written; despite the hints, I didn't figure out who these bandits were before Kagome did. For a moment at the end there, I thought she might finally crack and acknowledge her grief (not exactly the feeling I had, but I can't think of how to put it in better words right now).

I also appreciated that moment of Sesshomaru's resentment, and how he dealt with it. It makes his character more real and fallible than the usual Sssshomaru portrayals. Yours is quite good, you make him real and conflicted and emotional and controlled all at once, instead of "perfection."

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 9) - Tue 17 Feb 2015

Nice, keep it coming Happy Valentine's Day

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