Reviews for Letters by Angelic Memories

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katlady (Chapter 12) - Mon 24 Aug 2009
:squeeks: its brrn too long great up date do so again soon

katie (Chapter 12) - Mon 24 Aug 2009
wow i like it please keep going u are doing a great job keep up the good work and dont give up

autumngold (Chapter 12) - Sun 23 Aug 2009
Thank you for another chapter to this great story! I'm so sad that you have been sick lately, that really stinks. Do you think that it might be that you are doing to much and not taking time off to take care of yourself, instead of believing in "bad luck". I hope you feel better soon! Take care of yourself.

His Lady (Chapter 11) - Thu 06 Aug 2009
awwwww this chapter really brought tears to my eyes its so sad what happened with kagome and souta....but i think sesshomaru was seeing into kagome's past =D lolz please update soon

katie (Chapter 11) - Tue 04 Aug 2009
wow i like it please keep going u are doing a great job keep up the good work

SilentlyFuming (Chapter 11) - Mon 03 Aug 2009
you just keep laying it on thicker, don't you? Please update again soon, this story is great!

Adriana (Chapter 11) - Mon 03 Aug 2009
Did Kagome know Sesshoumaru when she was younger? You're a great writer, keep it up :) Update soon

LittleRin (Chapter 1) - Wed 29 Jul 2009
I'm sad now because I'm not gonna have internet for about a month. I have 2 hours left before I leave and I keep refreshing the page hoping you've updated.

His Lady (Chapter 10) - Sun 26 Jul 2009
WOW i finally know who the man is bastard...and her mother in this is a whore.....sesshomaru shouldnt have done that casue kagome has put soo much trust in him and he repays her by doing this...he would have a lot to make up for...but dom can go jump off a bridge or something please update soon

Lauren (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jul 2009
Omg!!!! I LOVE this story. Please Update ASAP!!!!! I need to know what happens next lol :)

katlady (Chapter 10) - Fri 24 Jul 2009
okay ignore thoses baka you are doing a beautiful job I wish my orks were this good this is one of my many faves please update soon this story is really good

katie (Chapter 10) - Thu 23 Jul 2009
wow i like it please keep going u are doing a great job u are doing very good work

2lazy2login (Chapter 10) - Thu 23 Jul 2009
i wonder how angry kagome will be once she realizes that daisuke was hired by sesshoumaru to pry into her past...

Noacat (Chapter 10) - Thu 23 Jul 2009

Do NOT change the way you're writing this story. The fact that you've put so much thought into the process for this story is wonderful. Just because a few impatient, unobservive people get confused shouldn't cause you to change it for them. Clearly, this story isn't the one for them and they should move on to something else. I am willing to work for this story and I'm patient enough to enjoy the journey. Keep going. Don't stop. And happy writing.

Starlyte (Chapter 10) - Thu 23 Jul 2009
Ok... firstly, i think you should stick with the way you've been doing this story so far. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the style, or the way there are still some questions yet to be answered. As you said just because some people don't enjoy suspense doesn't mean everyone doesn't. Personally yes i would like all the questions answered, but at the same time explaining it all without the suspense and intrigue would just be plain boring. But ya know that's just my thoughts on your lil' authors note at the beginnig of this chapter!!!*wink* .... Secondly, i thought for sure Sess was going to be to late to help Kags, glad i was wrong on that one!! Just a quick question though, is Kags step-father human or demon? If this is going to be explained later, don't worry about replying to this, pretend i didn't ask!!*grin* And what the hell is wrong with that Dom guy, now he want's to marry her? I know he's a sick one, but i just had to say something about him! And now he's teamed up with her step-father, nothing good can come of that little tag-team. That Daisuke guy though sounds interesting, and i really want to see what Kaede remembers about that tune that Kagome taught Rin. As always, i enjoyed another great chapter and i look forward to the next one! Sorry about this lil' novel here, i was trying to keep my review about shorter, but it kind of ran away on me!LOL!!

Adriana (Chapter 9) - Thu 23 Jul 2009
Is the guy her step father?? update soon :)

His Lady (Chapter 9) - Mon 20 Jul 2009
O.O that only makes me wonder who in the world this mysterious man is....ugh please update soon

katie (Chapter 9) - Sun 19 Jul 2009
wow i like it please keep going u are doing a great job keep up the good work

SilentlyFuming (Chapter 9) - Fri 17 Jul 2009
evil, evil cliffy! >:( please update again soon!!!!

Starlyte (Chapter 9) - Fri 17 Jul 2009
What the hell is wrong with that girl?!! I mean i get she doesn't want to hide and run the other way from her secret past anymore, but come on!! As soon as she left it to Kaede to tell Sess she was going out, ya just knew something was gonna happen!! Then again i guess it just makes things even more interesting, cause ya know 'I Reallly Really Really' want to know what happened in the past. Though i do have a bit of an idea, *cough* stepfather *cough*, then again i could be wrong..... Thanks heaps for the update!!!!

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