Reviews for Letters by Angelic Memories

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loveless (Chapter 9) - Thu 16 Jul 2009
A cliffy? Why did you do this to me when it was getting good "pouts"? Please update soon.

LittleRin (Chapter 1) - Sat 11 Jul 2009
I followed you here from Mediaminer because I wanted to read more of "Mine!", but when I got here "Letters" became my new favorite. ^_^ Please write more soon. I adore it. It's so cute it makes me giggle.

katie (Chapter 8) - Fri 10 Jul 2009
wow i like it please keep going u are doing a great job

loveless (Chapter 8) - Fri 03 Jul 2009
This is awsome. This story is so exciting and I can't wait for more. I wonder what will happen next. The suspense is killing me. Must have more, More, MORE. Please update soon. I have become addicted to your story and now I am a devoted reader to you and your stories. Keep up the good work.

lexstar (Chapter 8) - Thu 02 Jul 2009
PLEASE update. This story truly captures my attention. Thought out very well. The plot holds suspense and plenty of mystery. Things that are rare to find in stories. Well mixed with the present and past. Characters are very well written. Beautiful story. I love it.

AndesCat (Chapter 8) - Thu 02 Jul 2009
Darn it I want to know who's kaggie's tormentor already x_x love each update of yours just the same and wait with baited breath for the next one

katlady (Chapter 8) - Thu 02 Jul 2009
this is good..update soon

DreamWalker (Chapter 8) - Thu 02 Jul 2009
And the plot thickens!!! How I love this story! Wow, and with my lack of better words I must say wow. I am amazed where this is going. I have such high expectantions that I must say you are coming to a point that you can either butcher this or go very far. But no pressure right?

Leafeknight7 (Chapter 7) - Sun 28 Jun 2009
I can't believe that I never found this story before now. I read this before on Single Spark. Wow, Kagome seems to have a dark past. I hope to see some more chapters in the near future. Until then, ^_^Ja ne!

Tina (Chapter 7) - Fri 26 Jun 2009
thank you for updating. I love the story and cant wait to read more.

His Lady (Chapter 7) - Fri 26 Jun 2009
WOW i can only imagine who it was that broke in her house...but i still cant put my finger on who called........was it naraku that broke into the house something tells me yes i dont knw why

katlady (Chapter 7) - Fri 26 Jun 2009
::giggles:: this is good please dont forget it any time soon and UPDATE

AW555 (Chapter 7) - Fri 26 Jun 2009
V.V I'm looking forward to the update!

Starlyte (Chapter 7) - Fri 26 Jun 2009
Freaky, creepy and just plain strange!!! Firstly: OMG who's hunting Kagome and what is with her past? Secondly: How the hell can she not see the similarities between the two?! Thirdly: Aaaaaaahhhhhh i can't wait for the next chapter, i really wanted Sesshomaru to see what was written on Kagome's wall, and i want to know so bad just what the hell is going on!!! Thank you so much for the update, i am enjoying this story immensely, it's very well written!!! Keep up the great job!!

katie (Chapter 7) - Fri 26 Jun 2009
wow i like it please keep going u are doing a great job

Kai (Chapter 7) - Thu 25 Jun 2009
woman, I swear your going to be the death of me! Once more, your pulling out another fantastic story and once more you have left me begging for more. And trust me, I dont beg often. I cant wait till you update. -kai-stern

katie (Chapter 6) - Mon 04 May 2009
wow i like it please keep going

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 6) - Fri 24 Apr 2009

lmao, i tend to read more the write, but i'm here in chat often and i do so love this story! its kinda sad that kags can't have kids, but i hope it all works out. i can see it going very bad for them before it gets better. anyway i love this! - r0o

SilentlyFuming (Chapter 6) - Sat 18 Apr 2009

Kagome's unable to bear children?  How would she know that, did something happen to her before?  You have her character being so quiet and you make a point to say that she has no confidance...  But I guess you'll explain all that later on as well, yeah?  *^_^*  At any rate, thanks for the update.

Inkasha Taisho (Chapter 6) - Sat 11 Apr 2009

Wow. Rin is such a crafty little child. This just keeps getting better and better. The dress was described beautifully and I love the charity function. I hope to meet Azuela again. I can't wait for your next update!!

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