I found this story just the other day and now, suddenly, there are 14 chapters! Either you never stop writing or you have been working on this for a while now. ^^
I really enjoy the story thus far. I think it really shows progression with Seshomaru, I mean, his main reasons for couting her is because she could give him strong pups and get toInu-yasha, it just really fits his personality.
Please keep it coming. <3
~Little Bee
Keep it coming.
Nilee1 (Chapter 12) - Wed 25 Jul 2012
loving it
Nilee1 (Chapter 11) - Wed 25 Jul 2012
Okay, now it makes sense. I really didn't understand why she was so upset with Sesshoumaru--I "kinda" liked "Good rising" as a morning greeting. I guess she needed to to angry enough to be away from Sesshoumaru to be kidnapped... still loving this story.
Keep it coming.
Kushita (Chapter 9) - Tue 24 Jul 2012
I don't get why Kagome was upset? It wasn't confusing and he was calm. And before that he kissed her neck so shouldn't that show that he was content to have her there? It's a bit over dramatic I think, for a person just waking up calm. I like the story, but to me that scene was just weird and confusing. Didn't really like it.
Keep it coming.
All three chapters are great, keep it coming.
Very charming story! I certainly hope you update soon, I am favoriting it =D
Nilee1 (Chapter 4) - Sun 22 Jul 2012
Great story. How long will it take them to clean up that mess? And what of the stolen horses, was it really a lie?
I'm glad you posted your story here, now everyone can read and enjoy it like I do, keep it coming.
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