poor ayame
i hope she finds love
Uh oh. What is she up to? I hope she's not going to try to come between Sesshomaru and Kagome! Update soon!
Keep it coming.
Oh wow, ayame. How the mighty have fallen. Im surprised she is willing to start something on their turf surrounded by all of Kagome and Sesshouamru's friends. I can't wait to see what happens next :)
Seeing mischief from Ayame is a rare, but always interesting plot to read about. I can't wait to see what happens next~
Wow... you keep throwing in the curve balls and I never want this story to end!
THAT HOOKER! i hope someone gets her! and that maybe miserable kouga gets her and is all >:l at her and then STICKS with her so she cant do anything else, after all becareful what you wish for!
I finally got to the end. And I don't know if I'm pumped I finally got there or a little sad that now I have to wait for what's next. It has been quite the story. I do like that you made them wait and they actually waited for each other. I can't wait to see what happens next :)
:3 he should fly and kagome does naughty things to hime to rebuttle him using "natrual female whiles" x= and it's like a rule! you get this close to 100 chapters and you MUST make it there :333333 *loves on ficcy!*
Wow!!! Did not see that coming ever! I don't think I've seen that anywhere else either :)
have i ever told you how much i LOVES your pairings! ha! maybe Kouga could get mouthy Yuka! or sweet Ayume! What ever happened to Ayame btw? @_@ am i just forgetting her?
this is so romantic :3 you hafta make it to 100 chapters though! cant make this many and not get to 100 chaptesr!
hahahaha i love sputtering kagome and sess is all >:3 yussssssssssssss!!!
lmao! HAZZAH FOR SIDETRACKING! :3 makes sense though! ^_^
Oh, I think it's a great idea! Now Kags will have one friend who will actually know why she was sick all the time in high school. Oh how fun and can't wait till Eri finds out.
lmao sit on jiji eh? x= i liked these three updates! i particularly, like Rin/kagome meeting and how mother daughter it was! and i'm completely amused by kagome just reaching out and sess is there, so in sinc!
That was sneaky. I thought Kouga was talking about Kagome at first.
im glad kouga got a wake up call
what about jakken
has he mated yet
ooooh and what about ayumi the wolf princess that always chases kouga
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