It is always a blast to read your fics. Decided to drive back into some Sess/ Kag stuff lately and knew I needed to go reread some of your stuff.
all's well that ends well. kouga, in a way, is just like inuyasha when it comes to the opposite sex: CLUELESS.
you can't force someone to like or want you.
earning someone's love is so much better than forcing your feelings onto a person who cares nothing for you.
i'm glad sessho and kags got back together.
keep up the great writing. c'ya'
I LOVE Kirara's point of view
Awww loved the clash of wills
What a great story! You did a very good job.
your story was quite fantastic and I am glad you dropped the first person and second person.
hahah He's going to lick her
bwahahahah dog kibble
still worth reading the 2nd time around. c'ya'
this was a very good story. i'm glad i read it. it was full of lemon-y goodness and the characters were well written too. you have a knack for the written word and i hope to read more of your stories. i'm glad you didn't make the battle long and drawn out. some writers do that and the story starts to get boring. i still read them, but some of the excitement is gone. keep writing good stories like this and i will be sure to read them. c'ya
That was a wonderful story! Thanks for writing it. I wish it was longer though.
Adored this story! The pairings are interesting and the plot is very entertaining :)
I hate to be a bother, but i noticed you has Chapter four posted twice.
I love jaken! Most dismiss him in a story but you would think he has to be incredibly wise to have served Ing no taisho and Sesshomar
uh oh kagura has two mates
why am i not surprised
heyyy of course the miko has control over the hanyou. TOTAL control!
Great story :)
Ostiches don't actually burry thier heads in the sand if they did they would suffocate. Male Ostriches will dig holes in the sand for the female to lay her eggs and the female will put her head in the hole to turn the eggs so this may be a reson for the phrase. When threatened a Ostrich will sometimes collapse onto the ground and fluff up their feathers to look like a bush because their head and neck are the color of the sand to a observer over a distance it would appear as if their head was buried in the sand as it would no longer be visible.
Ostriches are no cowards and are actually very dangerous animals their claws are long and sharp and if threatened can and will easily disembowl someone look it up sometime these birds do kill people stupid enough to get near one when it is angry or feeling threatened. These animals can weigh over 400 pounds and travel in groups, between their claws, their very sharp beak that they are not afraid to use, and the possobility of stampede ostriches are not animals you want to mess with. Ostiches are also very bitey birds i have a cousin in Florida who owns a ostrich farm and those birds are big, tall, mean, and definitely not afraid. I was standing several feet away from the 7 foot electric fence thinking i was safe only for several ostriches to stretch their necks over and start pecking and biting at my head back and face luckily they didn't do anything over than bruise and scare me but these were tamed farm animals i don't want to imagine how bad wild animals are, i have however seen video of a ostrich disembowling lions and chasing them off to keep them away from her eggs they are dangerous their is a reason most preditors go for zebra and gazzele even with the hooves and horns they are less dangerous than the ostriches.
Also i love the story can't wait to read more :)
Okay, I just want to say I am IN LOVE with this story, I mean wow!!!!!! Words can not express my emence love for this story, I waited weeks for this story to be complete (I only read completed work, I know a little rude BUT I cannot stand to wait chapter by chapter)
But when I finally saw this was complete and I had time to read from start to finnish I was soooo happy... I would have liked for the chapters to be longer, more detailed but hey I'm happy either way ^.^
Ahhh This was sooo good, Kinda dissappointed they mated so early in the story, I would have liked to have seen more whitty fightes between them-SessXKag-, but oh well... I also loved the 2nd person view of their Mating, it was different, in a good way!
I would LOVE to read more stories from you. You are truely a great...No..Wonderful...No.. Amazing writer!!!! Can't wait to see what you come up with next
Love it!!!!!
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