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Paperwing (Chapter 474) - Tue 26 Feb 2013

I was waiting until you were done uploading to review. xD


The short chapter-drabbles make me need more! I really want to read more but it's not there! QQ


Much love <3


Nyuka (Chapter 464) - Mon 04 Feb 2013

Well Sesshoumaru could aways gut him I think that would be harmful ^-^ 

FaeHime (Chapter 464) - Thu 03 Jan 2013

I know I am going to sound like a raving lunatic fan-girl but I can't resist this once...



I needed to rest my eyes from a piece of art I've been working on and stumbled across a piece of art you did for the chapter when Kagome was brushing post-labor Rin's hair. I saw the name for the fic and had seen it so many times before I was like "What the hell, it sounds interesting and I wanted a break... I'll just read a few chapters, no biggie..."


--THAT WAS AT 4 HOURS AGO-- I've just caught up and honestly, I have a couple of fanarts in mind after I catch up with the fanart I have waiting for me!!! Especially some scenes from chapters 396 and 400 XD

But yes... I would indeed be very pleased to read more of this splendid story! You are a gifted author, and I find myself looking forward to reading your other works in the near future! If for no other reason than to study your writing style more~ aside from practice, I find I learn a lot about how to improve both my writing and art through the study and observations of others greatness :3


Anywho, thanks for the wonderfully written story!!

Loveyaa (Chapter 464) - Mon 03 Dec 2012

So nice of him. Really nice actually. But of course, the heart wants what the heart wants. I wonder who will crack first, Sesshoumaru or Kagome. It does take quite a bit to be angry at a friend, so my money is on Kagome. I do quite enjoy Sesshoumaru's inner workings though. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

Loveyaa (Chapter 464) - Tue 09 Oct 2012

Well there is no harm in trying. Wonder if Sesshoumaru and Kagome will try to work things out anytime soon. I can't wait to see what happens next and when one of them will finally take a hint :)

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 464) - Mon 08 Oct 2012

Great story, keep it coming.

~Sherin~ (Chapter 460) - Mon 08 Oct 2012

Omgee so many updates! <3 :O


i love where this story's going :D keeeeep it coming >:D

topaz gravestone (Chapter 457) - Mon 08 Oct 2012

THANK YOU!!!!! You just made my day and great work too!! I hope you write more soon and thanks again!

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 457) - Mon 08 Oct 2012

SQUEE!!  I'm on the first 'get-away' from my family in eons and suddenly I have such great things to read!!!  But... but... I eats them up so quickly... *pout*  Ah, well.  I guess I have to be content that we have these little delights after all this time, but I am ever the greedy one, as you well know!  Thanks so much for posting... and I sincerely hope that you will find time to post more SOONEST!  I am still looking for, at the very least, a rainbow in their situation, if not the full-blown happy ending thingy.  I'm such a sucker for that stuff.  I will gladly suffer the angst, confusion, and all that goes with it if there's a smidgen of a chance that we'll have that happy stuff!

Superb as always, m'dear.  Just enough to whet the appetite for MOAR!



The Letter Keeper (Chapter 456) - Mon 08 Oct 2012

Oh Sesshomaru. Still has so much to learn. Despite it hurting Kagome's feelings I can just see his irked look when she asks him these things. Almost like a puppy who hears something knew. Hopefully he'll come to his senses and figure it out and then they can just get on with it and GET TOGETHER!! Ugh...It's so simple!! But of course THEY don't see that. All well, I'm glad you have reurned and I am anxiously awaiting the next turn of events!!

Thoughtful confusion (Chapter 450) - Fri 28 Sep 2012

This story is awesome! :3 I love the drabble-style which makes it easy and light to read, and I love the way you portray all the characters :3

Loveyaa (Chapter 450) - Thu 30 Aug 2012

I'm excited for this explanation. I'm hoping it triggers more pouting in Sesshoumaru. That is a funny picture of him trying to hold it in, while Rin understands everything, and Kagome makes it better and worse all at the same time. I can't wait to see what happens next and thanks for so much now :)

AnnikaMerrick (Chapter 450) - Thu 30 Aug 2012
I love this story so much, you don't even know! Can't wait to read more!

Nyuka (Chapter 450) - Wed 29 Aug 2012

This is such a great story...^-^  I can't quite explain it but I feel very happy at the moment ^-^


Alexandra (Chapter 450) - Wed 29 Aug 2012

Whoot! I can't believe you updated! OMG! It really made my week. I'm so glad that you are still working on it.

I really missed the chemistry that Kagome and Sesshoumaru have together in this story. I'm so glad that there is even more added to it!! XD

You just had to stop it there. >__< But I'm over all ecstatic that you updated! It really is a beautiful story. I can't wait for more!!! 

Deedee14 (Chapter 450) - Tue 28 Aug 2012

Ooooohhh! I'm absolutely LOVING this fic! Sometimes I'm wary of snippet stories because they tend to seem rushed and missing heart. I've found a few (your's included) that still get my emotions runing despite the short chapters. 

DescendingFrost (Chapter 450) - Mon 27 Aug 2012

Aww yaaay more! :D I've missed this story!! Can't wait for more!

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 450) - Mon 27 Aug 2012

THANK YOU!  I can now end my birthday with a delighted sigh!!!!!!!!

YOU SO ROCK!  Get lots of rest... but no keeling allowed... and return to us soon with more of your so addictive delightful tidbits.  I will be eagerly (but as patiently as possible) awaiting them!



topaz gravestone (Chapter 1) - Sun 26 Aug 2012


Pricila (Chapter 441) - Sun 26 Aug 2012

Yeah, more chapters and I love it!

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