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Loveyaa (Chapter 509) - Mon 11 Mar 2013

Tragedy does bring people together. My favorite chapter is chapter 508. I am just madly in love with it. Poor them, putting up with all the cruelness of the world. At least they can find comfort in each other. I can't wait to see what happens next and how this changes them for the better or worse :)

Paperwing (Chapter 509) - Mon 11 Mar 2013

So much updating! I love it!


Elizabeth (Chapter 509) - Mon 11 Mar 2013

OH! That was SO heartwrenching! OH! This was just too great! I think that this has been the best installment so far! Wow. I am loving this.

InuLuna of The Moon (Chapter 509) - Mon 11 Mar 2013

So true! Now that I have read I shall type! -delves back to typing own stories-

InuLuna of The Moon (Chapter 501) - Mon 11 Mar 2013

Ah! You got more, -tear- sweet.

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 509) - Mon 11 Mar 2013

And we LOVE you too!!!  Such a terrific tale, and so delightful to see all those update 'bombs' in my inbox - REALLY!  Few things make me happier than seeing a ton of updates, since that means there's more Kag/Sess goodness to be had.  I love the way you're taking such time with this story, unfolding it in little bite-sized morsels and letting Sesshoumaru explore his confusing feelings ever so slowly and thoroughly.  Excellent reading for break time at work!



FaeHime (Chapter 509) - Mon 11 Mar 2013

Oh the feels!!! "*insert ridiculously large wibbly eyes here*

I'm terrible, because I'm such a fan of these terrible events where Kagome gets traumatically tortured or hurt in some way simply because it provides the perfect scenario of some bonding and protectiveness and OHMYGOSHTHEFEELS!!! Seriously, I love this story, and everytime I see updates my inner fangirl swoons with delight!

Your characterizations are spot on, and the pace of the story is perfect as far as developing the relationship between the two of them~ it's so easy to accidentaly rush the relationship in drabble form when you see yourself at chapter 100 and think (Oh my, 100 chappies.... there should be some lovin's soon..." when in reality you still on the first scene and there hasn't been enough time to really develop feelings other than "So, you're me brother's lady" and "So, you tried to kill me... several times..."

And I know I'm not making any sense, but you've beautifully crafted this story and I appreciate every update so much! Thank you, for gracing us with your creative prowess!

InuLuna of The Moon (Chapter 499) - Mon 11 Mar 2013

-growl- That was so not fair! What's going to happen? -pauses and sighes- I'll wait.

InuLuna of The Moon (Chapter 496) - Mon 11 Mar 2013

You wouldn't? -gasp-

InuLuna of The Moon (Chapter 493) - Mon 11 Mar 2013

-wince- ooh. She's facing the wall. Forgot about that option.

InuLuna of The Moon (Chapter 491) - Mon 11 Mar 2013

If she were hooked up to shackles in the wall how can someone laugh behind her? Unless the wall is a cage?

InuLuna of The Moon (Chapter 478) - Mon 11 Mar 2013

This one was actually cute. No worries

InuLuna of The Moon (Chapter 450) - Mon 11 Mar 2013

Thank you, thank you, thank you! ^-^

Did you know that if I had a rough day I would sit back and read this. It's relaxing.

InuLuna of The Moon (Chapter 434) - Mon 11 Mar 2013

Nice save man, I congradulate you. -pats you on back-

InuLuna of The Moon (Chapter 431) - Mon 11 Mar 2013

It's like, "Give me peace! Damn it!" to the persistant Kagura. "Now, Kagome would you please not kill a guest for me while I brood?" lol

InuLuna of The Moon (Chapter 430) - Mon 11 Mar 2013

I like how you "fleshed it out" it was a brilliant idea.

InuLuna of The Moon (Chapter 427) - Mon 11 Mar 2013

Awh... dreamy moment. -chuckles-

InuLuna of The Moon (Chapter 425) - Mon 11 Mar 2013

I'm still laughing from the other chapters. This is so rich! Thank you for brightening my day.

InuLuna of The Moon (Chapter 421) - Mon 11 Mar 2013

lol Oh that was just down right devious!

Sesshomaru's Night (Chapter 499) - Sun 10 Mar 2013

Well I am glad you continued


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