Wow, just noticed how far behind I've fallen on leaving reviews :( so sorry.
I've really enjoyed the past few chapters. I thought it was so cute how he was confused when she told him thier classes were ending. Maybe she won't have too many problems explaining it to him.
I loved the puppy tie chapter!
Can't wait to read more.
LMAO, lo mein the oiliest food on the planet, gah!! But I love it so!! This really good and their relationship had such a good flow to it, but I hope Kagome doesn't overanalyze though when problems occur.
I like how natural this is, how their relationship is flowing and growing.
More please?
BUWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA puppy dog eyes always work!
I've loved these updates, and I'm really excited, because I desperately want to see what Kagome thinks of his tie.
*gasps* Such cuteness. I think my hair is turning pink, it's that cute. Gah. I actually really liked how he was quiet and just touched her to calm her down, it's a great contrast.
I can see Kagome running around her apartment frantically, slipping and sliding and crashing into things trying to get everything done lol. I love your story soooooo much, and one thing I have noticed (re-read through it this afternoon) is that your writing style has changed a bit, and is a little more detailed and flows better. I hope I haven't offended, I'm not insinuating that it was ever bad, but I love watching a writer's style progress over time. Anywho, amazing update!
And now I'm craving mac and cheese. Gah.
I admit, as far as first date dinners go, it's not what I expected as a dish, but I am curious to see how he'll react.
why did it stop here?! more! what's gonna happen? the suspense is killing me! :)
I love the honesty of her response. I am curious why she isn't ready. Argh. Please update soon. Pretty pretty please!
Oh comeawn! You can't leave it there!
Please update soon?
I'm so glad that he has decided to tell her how he feels. I look forward to the next chapter.
Oh ouch. I know you're neer supposed to have a relationship with clients, but still. I also really like how it's Kagome that's tentative about a relationship. Normally she's the one all for it. Please update soon!
These were both fantastic updates, and I'm dying to know what he got her. I hope you in turn had an amazing Christmas (or whatever holiday you do or do not celebrate lol). Thank you for writing!
Aaawww! What a great gift idea. He found a way to not only include her fave color but also a way for them to spend more time together.
Sorry i've fallen behind on my reviews. I got behind a few chapters and things have been pretty hectic. Glad I finally got to catch up on what I've missed. I'm really enjoying reading this. I really love the way that you have been including Their families and also the pace at which you have developed thier relationship. How they have slowly become friends and are now headed to something more. Awesome update. I'm looking forward to the next one.
An X-mas surprise?
Please update soon!
Yay! I'm really curious about why she chose her job, and I'm glad he's taking the initiative. The updates have made for an amazing read, and I can't wait to see what happens next! can't leave it there. That's awful. It's like teetering on a cliff and not knowing if everything will go well or end with a plummet straight into-oh. That's why they call them cliffies, isn't it?
Merf. Please update soon.
I'm so happy to see you bringing in Sesshoumaru's mother and Rin into the story again! I like the chapters that are just the two of them, but I enjoy the one's with his families interactions just as much.
I thought it was funny that Sesshoumaru and his mom both got Rin the exact same gift so many times. One year I asked for a crock pot for Christmas and my mom and my hubby both got me one and they were exactly the same, right down to the brand name and design.
Speaking as someone that has gotten the same gift for my neice as her grandfather...and mother...and grandmother....Coordination is important lol. (On the flip side, she returned the mp3 players for cash haha). Anywho, awesome update as always. I like how this is going slowly, and theyre not immediately jumping into the romance. That being said, I'm sooooooooo impatient and I can't wait to see what happens next!
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